Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Laughters Free Essays

Guffaws A shrewd man say, â€Å"A giggle is a grin that blasts. † A generally excellent morning Madam Chairperson, noteworthy adjudicators, recognized watch, and individuals from the floor. Women and men of their word, it is in reality and respect to be allowed to remain here before you, the crowd. We will compose a custom article test on Chuckles or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now My undertaking today is to impart to you about, â€Å"Laughters. † Parents of infants adapt rapidly there are various ways for a child to cry. One kind of cry implies the infant is eager, another says the youngster should be changed but then another may mean it basically needs some consideration. Despite the fact that these cries may appear to be undefined to an outcast, guardians figure out how to react with precisely what their kid needs. Guardians don’t will in general put as much idea into what their child’s giggle may mean, except if it sounds extremely abnormal and demonstrates an assault to the individuals encompassing. Truth be told, not many individuals consider contrasts in giggling by any stretch of the imagination. We frequently ask ourselves, for what reason do we giggle? The appropriate response may appear glaringly evident: We giggle when we see something clever. However, the conspicuous answer isn't right, in any event more often than not. As per the master Robert Provine; A PhD neurobiologist and Professor of Psychology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, most chuckling isn't in light of jokes or amusingness. Chuckling isn’t under our cognizant control. Newborn children giggle nearly from birth. Actually, individuals who are brought into the world visually impaired hard of hearing despite everything giggle. So we know it’s not a scholarly conduct. Specialist likewise says that giggling might be only a less difficult approach to convey and show understanding over specific issues. Giggling is a system everybody has. It is a piece of the general human jargon. All individuals from the human species get it. In contrast to English or Bahasa Malaysia or French, we don’t need to figure out how to talk it. We’re brought into the world with the ability to giggle. Giggling is a message that we send to others. We know this since we once in a while chuckle when we are separated from everyone else, isn't that right? Chuckling is additionally explicitly a social structure, something that interfaces people with each other in a significant manner. As indicated by Provine’s discoveries, individuals are 30 percent bound to giggle in a social setting that warrants it than when alone with humor-prompting media. That implies that you’re bound to chuckle with companions while viewing a parody together than when you’re viewing a similar show or film without anyone else. In spite of the fact that there are numerous approaches to snicker, from snickers to roars and from laughs to clucks, things being what they are, we people chuckle for some reasons, some of them are odd. So what are a portion of the various kinds and explanations behind all the giggling? In the lead position, The Fake Laughter. This kind of giggling proves to be useful as an approach to coexist with others, that’s why in some cases we chuckle at things that just aren’t interesting, regardless of whether we’re with our chief, with our instructors or with our companions. Second, The Contagious Laughter. Envision you’re out for supper with a gathering of companions. Somebody makes a wisecrack and gets one individual giggling, which gets a subsequent individual chuckling, and it proceeds to each other. Thus, a hover of giggling is made. Is coming down with giggling like getting a bug? It’s likely. Other than that, The Nervous Laughter. During times of uneasiness, we frequently chuckle in an inner mind endeavor to decrease pressure and quiet down. Chuckling brings down the degrees of in any event four hormones that are related with pressure, so after a decent laugh you should be far less tense and on edge. Be that as it may, apprehensive chuckling normally just increases the ponderousness of the circumstance. Let’s proceed onward to The Belly Laughter. Stomach chuckling is considered as the most legit kind of giggling. It might likewise be the hardest sort to understanding, since we need to discover something genuinely clever before we’ll let go with the sort of giggling that makes them grip our stomaches and wheezing for air. Next, The Silent Laughter. This happens when you giggle so hard no stable really comes out and now and again, removes are originating from your clueless eyes . It’s like the giggle gets confounded and neglects to return from the of your throat. This giggling remains held up within your mind and you hear it uproariously in your mind. Ultimately, The Unappropriate Laughter. Lucky in light of the fact that chuckling is fun (andâ good for your healthâ , recollect? ). Misfortunate in light of the fact that this sort of giggling might outrage another person or ruin a specific state of mind. You’ve likely heard some nurturing individual state, â€Å"It isn’t well mannered to snicker at others’ cost. † Classic instances of this are to snicker while going to a person’s memorial service, or perhaps when somebody flatulated, which is quite interesting, that you’re the one in particular who heard it or smelled it. In the event that another person hears your chuckling they could be contaminated by it, since we as a whole realize that giggling is infectious. I’ve referenced barely any methods of chuckling; The Fake Laughter, The Contagious Laughter, The Nervous Laughter, The Belly Laughter, The Silent Laughter and in conclusion The Unappropriate Laughter. Women and men of their word, which chuckling do you like? This rundown of various sorts of giggling isn't the end-all be-all, however it is quite close. All things being equal, giggling takes on a wide range of structures. As has been stated, we've all heard the expression â€Å"laughterâ is the best medication. † But what is important are when chuckling is shared, it ties individuals together and builds bliss and closeness. Much obliged to you. The most effective method to refer to Laughters, Papers

Saturday, August 22, 2020

why would labour regard ...... essays

for what reason would work respect ...... expositions For what reason would work view globalization as a danger? Globalization is the term that alludes to the speeding up and increase of components, procedures and exercises that are purportedly advancing worldwide reliance and maybe, eventually, worldwide political and monetary combination. At its center it is a progressive idea, including the pulverization of social, political, monetary, and social life. However it would be a slip-up to see Globalization disgustingly as these perspectives are just sentiments! Then again Globalization has had rolled out positive improvements to the worldwide scene. It has given the world a solitary developing single cognizance. Correspondence has gotten immediate and travel takes no not exactly a day to the opposite side of the world. Worldwide travel has expanded by in excess of 3 million from the 1980s as certain sources quote! Innovation has improved endlessly in the course of the most recent decade as correspondence offers access to new data, new thoughts, and outside business sectors. The world is turning out to be to collaborate more when confronted with a solitary adversary, for example, psychological oppression, an Earth-wide temperature boost, and medication exchange. Globalization additionally disintegrates social contrasts and pressures. Somewhat sway has been limited, as outskirts does not exist anymore. Presently residential arrangement is impacted distinctly by worldwide market changes. It is inadequate, to scrutinize globalization as a bothersome procedure, which it obviously is. Globalization leaves broken individuals, families, networks and social orders afterward. Its faultfinders face two situations with respect to what, on the off chance that anything, can counter those effects. The first is to propose an increasingly attractive procedure. The second is to recommend methods of alleviating unfortunate results, if not any more attractive elective exists. As far as the continuous reality, it will be practically incomprehensible for political activity to influence it definitely. (Jobes, 2003) At last, pundits identify a significant change in the universal division of labor.... <!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Music Appreciation Essay Example For Students

Music Appreciation Essay What sort of tune right? Five Knacks for Ladies, is a madrigal a beautiful melody. The tune is about the vocalist who introduces himself as a modest seller Which of the melodies was made by Franciscan Bossiness, or Francis of Bosnia? Se mangle per marginalia (If ever in wonder), was composed by Franciscan Bossiness. He was an author of numerous pieces for the lute and voice, and this was one of his generally celebrated and moving sytheses. What is a lute? What is the historical backdrop of the lute? When was the lute utilized? The lute was stringed instrument utilized during the Renaissance. It was pear-molded, with a neck. It took after a guitar because of the manner in which it was held and the manner in which it was played. During the Renaissance, the lute held the most noteworthy regard of every single instrument. What is a harpsichord? Where were these instruments frequently found? The harpsichord was an instrument utilized from the sixteenth century to the mid-eighteenth century. They will in general sound adjusted and balanced in light of the fact that they are much of the time made up of two expressions of a similar length. Old style authors enthusiasm for communicating shades of feeling prompted the wide spread utilization of continuous powerful change crescendo and decrescendo. A large portion of the develop console creations of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven were composed for the piano instead of the harpsichord, clavichord, and organ, which had been highlighted in Baroque music. The basso continuo was steadily relinquished during the old style time frame since more ND more music was composed for novices who couldn't ace the troublesome craft of extemporizing from a figured bass. Inspect 156-157) 2. Depict the symphony of the Classical period? The traditional symphony advanced during the old style time frame. It was a standard gathering of four segments; strings, woodwinds, metal, and percussion. In the late instrumental works of Mozart and Haydn, a sympho ny may comprise of the accompanying; Strings: first violins, second violins, violas, cellos, twofold basses; Woodwinds: 2 woodwinds, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons; Brass: 2 French horns, 2 trumpets; Percussion: 2 timpani. Each segment of the traditional symphony had a unique job. (Look at 157-158) 3. Examine the job of music and the arranger in old style society. Authors in the traditional period worked during a time of fierce, political, and social habeas. Artists were firmly influenced by changes in the public arena and in the vocations of the three traditional bosses and the moderate liberation of the authors can be followed. At times arrangers had burned through the vast majority of their lives serving well off privileged families. Joseph Hayden was viewed as a gifted worker or game guardian. He wore a uniform and made music for His Highness as requested. Mozart brought into the world twenty after four years couldn't bear being treated as a worker so he parted from his court position and went to Vienna to attempt his karma as an independent artist. He was fruitful for quite a long time, his prevalence declined and he kicked the bucket owing debtors. Beethoven, a couple of years after the fact, had the option to fill in as a free performer in Vienna. He was effective through a more extensive white collar class advertise for music and an instructing character that provoked Music Appreciation Mark By Dorian propelled, more individuals got more cash-flow. Dealers, specialists, and government authorities could manage the cost of better homes and better nourishment. The thriving white collar class bet more than material products and searched out theater, writing, and music. Since royal residence shows were generally shut to the white collar class, towns individuals sorted out open shows where they could hear the most recent orchestras and concertos. During the second 50% of the eighteenth century open shows mushroomed all through Europe. In London a show arrangement ran from 1765 to 1781 directed by one of Bachs child, Johann Christian Bach, who had settled in England. Authors in the white collar class period composed pieces that were simple for armature performers to play and comprehend. They abandoned genuine to comic drama. From the brave and hydrological plots deer to the honorability to white collar class subjects and society like tunes. (Analyze 159) 4. Examine the four principle areas of sonata structure. A sonata structure development comprises of three primary areas; the Exposition, where the subjects are introduced; the Development where the topics are treated in new manners; and the Recapitulation, where the subjects return. These three subjects are regularly trailed by a closing area, the coda. (Analyze 161) 5. What are Theme and Variations, Minuet and Trio, and Rondo? The structure called Theme and Variations was generally utilized in the old style time frame, either has a free piece or as one development of a homophony, sonata, or sitting group of four. In a subject and varieties, an essential melodic thought the topic is rehashed again and again and is changed each time. This structure might be delineated as subject A-variety 1 (A)- variety 2 variety 3 (An, etc; each prime imprint showed a variety of the fundamental thought. The structure known as Minuet and Trio, or Minuet, is regularly utilized as the third development of old style ensembles, string groups of four, and different works. Underground Rock Music EssayHis music like his character is vigorous and direct; it transmits a solid positive thinking. He had an adoration for nature and was an ace at creating subjects. He could manufacture an entire development out of a solitary fundamental topic, making differentiations of state of mind through changes in surface, key, cadence, elements, and organization. He delivered comic impacts from startling delays and rhythm changes from unexpected moves in elements and pitch where a delicate them is out of nowhere punctuated by an uproarious horn. He created 104 ensembles alongside 68 string groups of four are viewed as the most significant piece of his tremendous yield. Look at 173-174) 11. Talk about the most astonishing youngster wonders in history conceived in Salisbury, Austria. At 6 he could play harpsichord, violin, extemporize fugues, compose minuets, and read music consummately from the start sight. At 8 years old he composed an ensemble, at 11 an oratorio, and a t 12 a show. Between the age of 6 and 15 he was constantly on visit. He played for nobles, rulers and lords in Vienna and London. At 15 he got back, which was governed by another ruler ecclesiastical overseer. The ecclesiastical overseer was a dictator who didnt acknowledge Mozart music and gave him a subordinate seat in the courts symphony. He attempted more than once throughout the following decade to discover appropriate position somewhere else with no achievement. The disastrous incongruity of Mozart life is that he won more approval as a kid wonder than as a grown-up performer. Having started his life as a universal big name and he was unable to stand being dealt with like a hireling. The ruler ecclesiastical overseer prohibited him to give shows or perform at the place of the privileged and his associations with his benefactors went from awful to more awful. At age 25 he broke free and ventured out to Vienna to be independent performer. The initial hardly any years were effective. Mozart was among the most adaptable everything being equal. He composed perfect works of art in every single melodic type of his occasions, ensembles, string groups of four, piano concertos, and shows. His music passes on a sentiment of simplicity, beauty, and suddenness, just as equalization, restriction, and impeccable extent. However baffling harmonies carry dim temperaments that stand out from the lyricism. Mozart wires force and class in an exceptional manner. His pieces sound easy and were made with extraordinary velocity. He finished his last 3 orchestras in just three weeks. Look at 176-178) 12. Talk about the life of Beethoven and his music. Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) was conceived in Bonn, German into a group of performers. By the age of 11 he was filling in as a right hand to the court organist, at 12 he had a few piano organizations distributed, at 16 he played for Mozart. In the blink of an eye before his 22 birthday he left to concentrate piano with Haydn where he spent an amazing remainder. In spite of the fact that his examinations with Haydn were not so much effective he went covertly to another instructor. In 1889, three aristocrats subscribed to give him a yearly pay the condition he needed to stay in Vienna. Catastrophe struck during his 29th year where his hearing was debilitated and the specialist couldn't successfully stop it. As his hearing debilitated so did his piano playing. When he was 44 he had quit playing out in the open. Beethovens interest for flawlessness implied long and difficult work. Some of the time he worked for a considerable length of time on a solitary orchestra, composing different works inside a similar timeframe. He conveyed a music sketch book wherever Jotting down thoughts and reconsidering and refining old ones. His most well known works are the nine ensembles composed for bigger symphonies than Heydays and Mozart. Each is exceptional in character and style. There is an inquisitive variation of state of mind between his odd-numbered ensembles which will in general be strong and emphatic than his even-numbered numbers which are more settled and increasingly expressive. His 32 piano sonatas are unquestionably more troublesome than the sonatas of Haydn and Mozart and endeavor the more grounded, tonally improved piano of Beethovens time drawing numerous new impacts from it. While the vast majority of Beethovens significant works are for instruments, his feeling of show was communicated in vocal music, including two masses and his solitary drama, Fidelity. (Look at 188-191) Examine, Roger. Music: An Appreciation. De. Seventh. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011. Kick. 20 June 2013.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Creative Phrases of the French Petit and How You Can Use Them to Help Them Learn

The Creative Phrases of the French Petit and How You Can Use Them to Help Them LearnThere are a number of arguments and topics that can be used for a creative French Philippe Petit essay topic. A very common argumentative essay topic might be on a marketing tool or process that they have learned or heard about from a friend. It can also be a lesson that they have learned in school that is relevant to the topic of the essay.The French Petit are very good at learning new things and if you want them to engage with your work then they will naturally need some sort of help to do so. They need to understand how to identify, define and research information. They need to be exposed to the right tools that will make this process easier.One of the best ways for you to help them become better is to offer to teach them the things that they know. By offering to teach them, you not only put their education at risk but it also means that you are giving them a chance to learn as well. It is best to offer to teach them a creative writing class or some sort of a creative writing class. If they really want to understand creative writing, they need to find someone who can expose them to the tools that they need to use to develop their essay.The easiest way to get the help of a French Petit is to offer to show them how to formulate an argument. This means you have to be very creative and come up with some sort of a creative argument. You will need to figure out how to turn facts into an argument.The French Petit is a good student and if you want them to get better you should get involved in some sort of a French Petit Math class. This is a great way to expose them to math in a fun way. They will feel great learning something that they love and you can create a wonderful experience for them.The French Petit is very good at learning concepts and they need to be exposed to some of the various concepts that they need to learn. It makes sense to spend time with a class that teaches the concepts of French that they need to learn. When you get them to the point where they can say things like 'I have understood the concept' you will see that they have developed their writing skills.A creative French Petit is a creative Petit and you will want to see what they can do. If you want them to excel at writing and learning then you will want to invest in some type of a creative writing class.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Mother and Daughter Relationships in Amy Tans The Joy...

Mother and Daughter Struggle in The Joy Luck Club The Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan, illustrates what life is like for many foreigners in America who are trying to give their child the opportunities they most likely did not have themselves as children. The story touches on a very common struggle in America, that between mother and daughter, in which the daughter never feels good enough for her mother. Also present is the struggle Jing-Mei has with herself. Jing-Meis mother has her mind set on making her daughter a prodigy of some kind. She constantly presses Jing-Mei to do better and be better at whatever activity she participates, but why is she doing this? There are a couple of reasons, one of which is†¦show more content†¦Because Jing-Mei is American and has grown up with all of the opportunities of Americans, the mother expects more of her, and she thinks the daughter should expect more from herself. Judging by the dialogue between Jing-Mei and her mother, the reader gets a sense that Jing-Mei does not understand the importance of her success, not just to her mother, but to herself as well. Im not a genius!(Tan 493) Jing-Mei cried. To which her mother replied Who ask you to be genius? Only ask you be your best for you sake. You think I want you to be genius?(Tan 494). Jing-Mei did not understand why her mother wanted her to be a prodigy. If there were times she did, she just didnt care. This leads us to the struggle between mother and daughter. Nearly every mother and daughter in America has had some kind of struggle where the mother wants one thing, but the daughter wants another. Theres nothing different in Two Kinds. At first when Jing-Meis mother comes up with a plan to make her a prodigy, Jing-Mei is excited and enjoys the attention her mother bestows upon her. Later on, she is not so happy, and she wishes her mother would just leave her alone to be her mediocre self. The reader gets this idea when she says, . . . in the beginning I was just as excited as my mother, maybe even more so.(Tan 491). Everything began to change when Jing-Mei failed, yet again, in her attempt at becoming a prodigy and,Show MoreRelated Improving Mother/Daughter Relationships in Amy Tan’s Joy Luck Club1216 Words   |  5 PagesImproving Mother/Daughter Relationships in Amy Tan’s Joy Luck Club One day everything is going great, in fact things could not be better and then you say something and your friend turns to you and says â€Å"oh my god, you sounded just like your mother†.   That is when you freak out and think to yourself it is true I am turning into my mother.   This is every daughters worst nightmare come true.   When a young girl is growing up her mother always says and does things that the girl vows she will neverRead MoreEssay Mother-Daughter Relationships in Amy Tan’s Joy Luck Club1519 Words   |  7 PagesMother-Daughter Relationships in Amy Tan’s Joy Luck Club      In the Joy Luck Club, the author Amy Tan, focuses on mother-daughter relationships. She examines the lives of four women who emigrated from China, and the lives of four of their American-born daughters. The mothers: Suyuan Woo, An-Mei Hsu, Lindo Jong, and Ying-Ying St. Clair had all experienced some life-changing horror before coming to America, and this has forever tainted their perspective on how they want their children raised. TheRead More The Complexity of Mother and Daughter Relationships in Amy Tan’s Joy Luck Club1316 Words   |  6 PagesThe Complexity of Mother and Daughter Relationships in Amy Tan’s Joy Luck Club   Ã‚  Ã‚   Since the beginning of time the mother and daughter relationship has been complex.   The book The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan is a great example of the mother and daughter relationship.   In the book Amy Tan writes about four women who migrate to America from China.   All of the women were in search of a better life since the lives they had in China were not what they wanted for themselves.   Even though all of the womenRead More Power of the Mother and Daughter Relationship Amy Tan’s Joy Luck Club1482 Words   |  6 Pagesof the Mother and Daughter Relationship Amy Tan’s Joy Luck Club In the novel, The Joy Luck Club, the author, Amy Tan, intricately weaves together the roles and experiences of Chinese mothers with their American born daughters. During a time of war, the mothers flee from China to America, leaving behind a past filled with secrets that unravel as their daughters mature. While sharing their difficulties, these mothers must be able to teach Chinese beliefs and customs to their daughters in a wayRead More The Significance of Mother-Daughter Relationships in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club1701 Words   |  7 PagesThe Significance of Mother-Daughter Relationships in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club In her novel The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan tells of the lives of four Chinese immigrant mothers, their hopes, their dreams and the way each of their daughters feel about their mothers lives.   Mother-daughter relationships are the basis for the entire story.   Tan shows the hardships each mother experiences as a child and young adult, and how they all want better lives for their daughters.   She shows the struggles betweenRead More Mother Daughter Relationships - Daughter Pushed to the Brink in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club1181 Words   |  5 PagesA Daughter Pushed to the Brink in Joy Luck Club      Ã‚   In Amy Tans novel, Joy Luck Club, the mother of Jing-mei recognizes only two kinds of daughters: those that are obedient and those that follow their own mind. Perhaps the reader of this novel may recognize only two types of mothers: pushy mothers and patient mothers.   The two songs, Pleading Child and Perfectly Contented, which the daughter plays, reinforce the underlying tension in the novel. These songs represent the feelings thatRead More The Mother Daughter Relationship in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club448 Words   |  2 PagesThe Joy Luck Club is a representation of the persistent tensions and powerful bonds between mother and daughter in a Chinese American society.   The book illustrates the hardships both the mother and daughters go through in order to please the other.   Also, it shows the troubles the daughters face when growing up in two cultures.   This book reveals that most of the time mothers really do know best. In Rules of the Game we see a mother daughter conflict.   Waverlys mother is always showing herRead More Mother Daughter Relationships - The Mother-daughter Relationship in Amy Tans Joy Luck Club971 Words   |  4 Pages Daughters and Mothers in The Joy Luck Club nbsp; Children, as they become adults, become more appreciative of their parents. In The Joy Luck Club, the attitudes of four daughters toward their mothers change as the girls mature and come to realize that their mothers arent so different after all. nbsp; As children, the daughters in this book are ashamed of their mothers and dont take them very seriously, dismissing them as quirky and odd. I could never tell my father . . . How couldRead More Mother Daughter Relationships - Family Relations in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club2528 Words   |  11 PagesFamily Relations in The Joy Luck Club      Ã‚  Ã‚   One passage, from the novel The Joy Luck Club, written by Amy Tan, reveals the complex relations and emotions that are involved in families. This passage concerns the story of four Chinese women and their daughters.   The author leads the reader through the experiences of the mothers as they left China and came to America.   The daughters have been raised in America, as Americans.   This is what the mothers had wanted although it also causes them greatRead More East-West Values and the Mother-daughter Relationship in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club1296 Words   |  6 Pagesand the Mother-daughter Relationship in The Joy Luck Club      Ã‚  Ã‚   The dominant theme of The Joy Luck Club is the clash between Chinese, American cultures, and how it affects the relationship between mothers and daughters. All of the mothers in the book were born and raised in China. All of their daughters were born and raised in the United States. Because of the differences in family traditions and values between the way the mothers had been raised in China and the way their daughters were growing

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comparing My Last Duchess, La Belle Dame Sans Merci and A...

Differing Views of Male-female Relationships in Three Poems In the three poems we experience three different views of how male-female relationships should take place. In ‘My Last Duchess’ we experience the view that the male should have the main role in relationships, in ‘La Belle Dame Sans Merci’ we hear of a relationship where the woman is in total control of the man and has all the power. Finally in ‘A Woman to Her Lover’ we read that both men and women should have an equal amount of power and no one should be dominant. In ‘My Last Duchess’ the thoughts of a very possessive and arrogant Duke of Ferrara are shared. He expected his wife to behave in a very conservative manner and wanted her to treat others as inferior.†¦show more content†¦In addition to this, we can see that he is holding this piece of artwork with the same value as the picture of his wife which shows that the Duke believes that he is superior to everyone else. The strong feminist views in ‘A Woman to Her Lover’ however, are in total contrast to the well-known ideas in ‘My Last Duchess’. Although at first ‘A Woman to Her Lover’ appears to only show the feminist views of relationships, it is in fact in search of equality between the males and females in relationships. ‘My Last Duchess’ gives the sense that a man has the leading role, and all of the power in any relationship whereas in ‘A Woman to Her Lover’, the ideas that both men and women should be equal in relationships are uttered. In the first stanza of the poem, we can see that the woman examines how women are typically expected to be by men (as a housewife) the â€Å"servant† and â€Å"to bear you children†. The very fact that she is expressing these phrases in a critical and negative manner implies that she has a resents this idea towards this stereotypical view of women. At the ending of this first stanza, she states; â€Å"If that be what you ask, O lover I refuse you!† The use of the refrain here, not only points out her hostility, but also shows that sheShow MoreRelatedComparing My Last Duchess,Porphyrias Lover and le Dame Sans Merci1991 Words   |  8 PagesComparing and Contrasting the Theme of power and control between Porphyrias Lover, La Belle Dame Sans Merci and My Last Duchess The poems I have chosen are: My Last Duchess Ferrara by Robert Browning, Porphyria’s Lover by Robert Browning and La Belle Dame Sans Merci by John Keats. I am going to be exploring the theme of power and control in each of the poems and how the poets show it. In Porphyria’s Lover and My Last Duchess it appears that the men have the power whereas in La Belle Dame Sans MerciRead MoreEssay about Love in Poems2986 Words   |  12 PagesLove in Poems Robert Browning’s poem â€Å"My Last Duchess† is based on a real story about the fifth Duke of Ferrera in the Renaissance period. He married a 14-year-old named Lucrezia and then left her for a two-year period. She died at the age of 17. In this poem, the Duke is now looking for a second wife-to-be. Robert Browning is one of the greatest poets in the Victorian age. He writes romantic poems and he expresses love in this poem as obsessive. The poem’s rhyme scheme is a, a, b, b. ThisRead MoreExploring Themes in Sonnets1751 Words   |  8 PagesThe six poems that I shall be comparing are: Sonnet 116, My last duchess, La Belle Dame Sans Merci, The highwayman, The laboratory and The ballad of Tam Lin. There is a common theme that runs through all of these poems of relationships and the love in them whether it be the love lost between two lovers such as in the Laboratory or a fantasy love such as in The ballad of Tam Lin. In La Belle Dame Sans Merci the speaker of the poem comes across a knight all alone and who is apparently dying in a fieldRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Sonnet 182829 Words   |  12 PagesSonnet 18 too. Within My Last Duchess, love explores the submissive and possessive side effects of being completely infatuated, which similarly links with La Belle, however instead of patriarchal power, domination is shown through a woman. First Love is comparable to both Sonnets, in which love is portrayed passionately, presenting real love and the overwhelming feeling it can convey. Finally Porphyria’s Lover portrays unrequited love with a sinister background alike My Last Duchess. CONTEXT, READERRead More The Flea by John Donne and To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell6621 Words   |  27 Pageslanguage used which was typical of that period in time apt to kill me and yea which are taken from the flea. Both poems also speak of virginity being very important, especially before marriage because if a woman had lost her maidenhead before, the husband would have the right to leave her without the need for a divorce. Both poems have the same theme of seduction. In The flea this is put across in each in three regular stanzas where as To His Coy Mistress is written in to sections. ThisRead MoreEssay on Love Poems2903 Words   |  12 PagesNot all love poems deal with happy positive sides of love but there is also the negative sides such as pain, sadness and loss. Through these poems ‘When We Two Parted’, ‘Remember’, ‘First Love’, ‘How Do I Love Thee?’, ‘A Woman To Her Lover’, and ‘La Belle Dame Sans Merci’ we become familiar with the different emotions associated with love. Christina Rossetti’s ‘Remember’ is a poignant poem written in the 19th century about loss of love. Rossetti lived in the 19th century where people were

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Elizabethan Poor Laws and the Unworthy Poor free essay sample

Elizabethan Poor Laws and the Unworthy Poor Tara McFadden Indiana University School of Social Work Abstract Beginning in the Elizabethan Era, unworthy poor was a label placed on able bodied people that appeared to choose to not work. They were often treated harshly and in extreme cases, put to death (Shelly, 2011). In today’s society such treatment would be unheard of. The act of even labeling this group of people or other groups is discouraged and even against the NASW’s The Code of Ethics (2008). When faced with the multi billion dollar price tag of welfare, we need to make a distinction of who is worthy or unworthy to receive government assistance. The question arises on how this can be done without impeding the rights of the poor. Elizabethan Laws and the Unworthy Poor Over Four hundred years ago the citizens of England developed one of the first versions of our modern social welfare system. We will write a custom essay sample on Elizabethan Poor Laws and the Unworthy Poor or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page During this time, the poor were labeled as either worthy or unworthy. Elderly, widows, orphans and disabled were considered worthy poor, while unworthy poor included those that physically could work, but chose not to do so. They were often severely punished for their refusal to follow the expected social norms. (Shelly, 2011). The label of worthy and unworthy poor and controversy over welfare abuse is alive and well today. How many of our unworthy poor are draining our tax dollars for housing, health care and food when they simply choose not to even attempt to support their families? One government agency that assists the country’s poor is Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). In 2010, in the United States there were over 40 million people that received assistance. That is an increase of 29% from 2009 with a total price tag of over 65 billion dollars of tax payer money. How many of these poor were truly in ‘need’ of government assistance? And how do we as a society determine who is worthy or unworthy poor? Describe During this first month in S501, I had the opportunity of expanding my knowledge in many areas of social work through various readings, lectures and videos. The main sources for this reflection paper have been; classroom lectures and skit, The Code of Ethics (National Association of Social Workers, 2008), and the section of the Encyclopedia of Social Work on Social Policy History. The classroom experience that stood out for me was the privilege of being included in an audience participation skit presented by Professors Vernon and Glassburn Larimer It was based an actual town meeting in the Elizabethan period and included in it was how they dealt with their unworthy poor (2011). In addition to these educational experiences, I have my own personal experience of living off of the government for over two years along with my two children. Hindsight now leads me to label myself unworthy poor since I was able bodied, yet unwilling to work. Examine The audience participation skit allowed the class to have a unique learning experience on how a town dealt with managing its citizens including the unworthy poor. It appeared the town leaders kept the problems and solutions simple, if a person didn’t work and was able to, the person was punished. (R. Vernon, S. Glassburn Larimer, classroom skit, September 3, 2011). Curiosity leads me to question if the town officials took into account any other issues that may have interfered with a citizen’s desire to work such as various mental health concerns; depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc. When I printed off The Code of Ethics (National Association of Social Workers, 2008), I was surprised to see that it took 18 pages for it to completely print. The contributors obviously took time and effort in addressing ethics and conduct of social work involvement with the poor. This completely differs from the black and white perspective in the Elizabethan time period. Within my own personal experience, I had spent thousands upon thousands of tax payers’ money because I choose not to work to support my family. I was indulging myself with a life of drinking, drugging and partying. I thought that since I had been a tax payer for over 15 years, I deserved the right to ‘cash in’ on all the tax money I had paid. I made up numerous excuses to caseworkers why I was unemployed, but I simply didn’t want the responsibility of paying my expenses. I simply jumped through the paperwork hoops to receive my benefits. I was never forced to show proof of job seeking or questioned about my substance use. Articulate Learning What did I learn? I learned that placing our country’s poor in either a category of worthy or unworthy isn’t an easy task with all the variables involved. Elizabethan Poor Laws didn’t appear to delve into other explanations for an unworthy poor person not working. In today’s society, it is almost too easy to get government aid if a person does not wish to work especially if the person has dependents. Not enough time is taken to fully screen people and the reasons why they are not working. How did I learn it? The literature assigned, classroom lectures and skit and personal experience provided me with an understanding of trying to compare worthy and unworthy poor. My personal journey gave me first hand experience in being an unworthy person living off of government assistance. I did not want to address my substance abuse issues so that I could find a job and be a productive member of society. Why does it matter? The United States has budgeted $495. 6 billion in total welfare benefits for this fiscal year (Chantrill, 2011). Who knows how many billions are wasted in welfare fraud by those who are taking advantage of benefits, but are able to work. Another concern is that are we truly helping people to overcome their obstacles by simply giving them benefits? Should we focus more on assisting people with substance abuse, depression or whatever may impede their desire to work? What will I do in the future, in light of the learning? Since I had previously abused welfare benefits, I am more easily aped to quickly judge a person who is also receiving assistance. Even in the line at the grocery store, I instinctively tend to look down on someone who is paying for their groceries with an EBT card. In the future, I will remember to not jump to conclusions on a person’s character based if they are currently receiving welfare benefits. As a social worker, I will challenge and assist my clients to conquer their life’s obstacles and fears so that they may become a self sufficient. A brief summary According to the Encyclopedia of Social Work, ‘unworthy poor’ was a label placed on able bodied individuals that choose not to work and follow social norms. It began over 400 years ago with the Elizabethan Poor Laws (2008). This label has continued in our society today, but no longer are these individuals severely punished, imprisoned or put to death. Currently, one problem lies in how do we correctly identify people who would happen to fall into this category without violating their rights.