Saturday, December 28, 2019

10 Interesting Facts About Radioactive Tritium

Tritium is the radioactive isotope of the element hydrogen. It has many useful applications. Here are some interesting facts about tritium: Tritium is also known as hydrogen-3 and has an element symbol T or 3H.  The nucleus of a tritium atom is called a triton  and consists of three particles: one proton and two neutrons. The word tritium comes from  Greek the word tritos, which means third. The other two isotopes of hydrogen are protium (most common form) and deuterium.Tritium has an atomic number of 1, like other hydrogen isotopes, but it has a mass of about 3 (3.016).Tritium decays via beta particle emission, with a half-life of 12.3 years. The beta decay releases 18 keV of energy, where tritium decays into helium-3 and a beta particle. As the neutron changes into a proton, the hydrogen changes into helium. This is an example of the natural transmutation of one element into another.Ernest Rutherford was the first person to produce tritium. Rutherford,  Mark Oliphant, and Paul Harteck prepared tritium from deuterium in 1934 but were unable to isolate it.  Luis Alvarez and Robert Cornog realized tritium was ra dioactive and successfully isolated the element.Trace amounts of tritium occur naturally on Earth when cosmic rays interact with the atmosphere. Most tritium that is available is made via neutron activation of lithium-6 in a nuclear reactor. Tritium is also produced by nuclear fission of uranium-235, uranium-233, and polonium-239. In the United States, tritium is produced at a nuclear facility in Savannah, Georgia. At the time of a report issued in 1996, only 225 kilograms of tritium had been produced in the United States.Tritium can exist as an odorless and colorless gas, like ordinary hydrogen, but the element is mainly found in liquid form as part of tritiated water or T2O, a form of heavy water.A tritium atom has the same 1 net electrical charge as any other hydrogen atom, but tritium behaves differently from the other isotopes in chemical reactions because the neutrons produce a stronger attractive nuclear force when another atom is brought close. Consequently, tritium is bette r able to fuse with lighter atoms to form heavier ones.External exposure to tritium gas or tritiated water is not very dangerous because tritium emits such a low energy beta particle that the radiation cannot penetrate the skin. However, tritium does pose some health risks if it is ingested, inhaled, or enters the body through an open wound or injection. The biological half-life ranges from around 7 to 14 days, so bioaccumulation of tritium is not a significant concern. Because beta particles are a form of ionizing radiation, the expected health effect from internal exposure to tritium would be an elevated risk of developing cancer.Tritium has many uses, including self-powered lighting, as a component in nuclear weapons, as a radioactive label in chemistry lab work, as a tracer for biological and environmental studies, and for controlled nuclear fusion.High levels of tritium were released into the environment from nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s and 1960s. Prior to the tests, i t is estimated only 3 to 4 kilograms of tritium was present on the Earths surface. After testing, the levels rose 200-300%. Much of this tritium combined with oxygen to form tritiated water. One interesting consequence is that the tritiated water could be traced and used as a tool to monitor the hydrologic cycle and to map ocean currents. Sources Jenkins, William J. et al, 1996: Transient Tracers Track Ocean Climate Signals Oceanus, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Zerriffi, Hisham (January 1996). Tritium: The environmental, health, budgetary, and strategic effects of the Department of Energys decision to produce tritium. Institute for Energy and Environmental Research.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Discrimination and the Family - 928 Words

How Discrimination/Prejudice Affects Families Discrimination and prejudice can have a generational impact on families and family members. I believe that a person can experience discrimination and prejudice in many different ways during their lifetime and that these experiences can produce this generational affect – how they see themselves or their family being treated, comments or behaviors exhibited by their family and their family’s culture towards themselves and others, how the media models any particular ethnic group, religion, political party, etc. In her article, â€Å"Getting Past Ideology For Effective Teaching,† Liz Grauerholz lists cultural ideologies that students bring into a classroom. She states, â€Å"they almost certainly have†¦show more content†¦How This Could Be Addressed on an Individual, Family, and/or Community Level Despite the political stance of law enforcement agencies that racial profiling is not allowed or in any way encou raged, R. Richard Banks in his article â€Å"Beyond Profiling: Race, Policing and the Drug War† writes â€Å"Professor William Stuntz has described racial profiling as ‘a fact of life that the legal system probably cannot change.’† (Banks, 2002) I agree with Professor Stuntz’s belief that racial profiling is not something that will be changed, especially by our legal system. At the same time, I believe that there could be mandatory education and awareness training for law enforcement officers and their families regarding the risks associated with bringing the job home. If spouses and children have the opportunity to understand why their spouse/parent who is in law enforcement has the perspective that they do, divorce rates and family disagreements could be decreased. At the same time, if an officer is made aware of the impact that these belief systems are having on the people in his/her life and be educated on potential coping mechanisms and way s to leave the job out of the home, the same outcome may be achieved of lower divorce rates and a healthier family relationship and interaction. Works CitedShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Discrimination Against Interracial Families746 Words   |  3 Pagesagainst interracial families. Still, in 2017, interracial families face scorn from our traditions society. These families face hatred and prejudice for the blending of cultures and are subjected to vocal hatred from members of the families and communities. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Contemporary Computing Act

Question: Describe the scales on which the actants in your stories act in the assemblage. Discuss how these actions can enhance management functionsOutline what issues/questions these actions raise. To achieve this, compare and contrast the viewpoints of a range of theorists and critics exploredthroughout the module.Conclude by summarising how your answers relate to the statement Contemporary computing can be seen as an assemblage. Answer: Introduction The study is having in depth discussion about the two main live stories related to information technology assemblage. The report is also having explanation of actor network theory in context to live stories. As mentioned by De et al. (2013), the two live stories are mainly based on information technology and the innovation included in it. The study is also having focus on actants of live stories and their effectiveness on society and other factors. Apart from this, the comparison and contrast is also done of both stories actant. With the help of this, the impact of them on each other is evaluated. In perspective to this Pain (2013) stated, actor network theory helps in analyzing the affects the live stories actant. The actor network theory is used in this study to explain the two different actant and their impact on operation of information technology. Moreover, the information technology is the fastest growing sector in current time (Preece, 2015). The main factor on which informati on technology depends is innovation and development in application of information technology. Evaluation of two different live stories with the help of Actor network theory In context to this El (2013) stated, the two live stories selected for this study are; first story is object recognition for robots. And second story is first new computer program which has recognized sketches more accurately than human being. Apart from this, the actant in first live story is robots and object. On the other hand, in second story the actant is sketches and computer programs. As mentioned by Holgate (2014), with the help of actor network theory the network in both stories are relation between two actants. That is, the operation relation or relations in context tro technology among actant are network. In addition to this Cong (2015) commented, the operation and dependency of all actant on networks are different. The networks developed by all actants are different. Along with this, the developments of actant of both live stories are done with the help of technology and others (Cong., 2015). The analysis of actant is done taking into consideration all factors of actor ne twork theory. Analysis of both the live stories Object recognition for robots As stated by Cheng et al. (2015), the recognition of object by robots are done more accurately and faster that any human being. The main factor on which robotics recognition is done is algorithm. The visual power and identification power of robots are more powerful than human beings. On the other hand, the object recognition by robots is based on determining identity and location of object (Preece et al., 2015). The result of identification of object is represented in the form of image or pattern. Apart from this, the robot is developed with the help of technology and algorithm. The algorithm helps in identification, scanning and recognition process of object. In context to this Preece et al. (2015) commented, with the technology innovation and improvement, robot related system are also changing. The recognition of object by robots helps in identification of object in easy manner. As stated by Monk (2014), object recognition or pattern recognition is based on artificial intelligence. Figure1: Image of object recognition by robots In relation to this Aggarwal (2013) commented, the robots can also identify the fingerprints, faces, sign and other image. The object identification will be done with the help of a database and algorithm provided to robots. The figure 1 represents the images of object recognized by robot. For example, the robot entered in conference hall and was said to search table full having soda can, cap, coffee mug and other item (Preece, 2015). Thus after recognition of object the image of object which was can be obtained from robot database is as shown in figure 1. Figure 2: Image pattern of objects recognized by robots First new computer program which recognizes sketches more accurately than human being As stated by Tang et al. (2013), the researchers developed first computer which can recognizes sketches more accurately than any human being. Apart from this, the sketches used for this study was human made. In relation to this Lai et al. (2013) commented, the computer program is called as sketch a net, as it helps in recognizing the sketches more easily and accurately. With the help of this computer program the handmade sketches are recognized easily. On the other hand, the identification of sketches is limited to program database. That is, the sketch a net computer program can identify sketches whose images or pattern are stored in its database. As stated by Sermanet et al. (2013), some of the major images identified by sketch a net computer program are flying birds, pigeon, standing birds, seagull and others. The significant of sketch increased with the increase of touch screen. That is, if user is drawing sketches with the help of touch screen devices, the new computer program ca n identify it easily. The main use of this new computer program is done by police and other defense forces (Pain, 2013). As with the help of sketch a net program they can easily get sketch of criminal and it will also help them to improve their database record. Apart from this with the help of this computer program the social security will also be increased. In context to this Holgate (2014) commented, the defense officers by viewing the CCTV database or any eye evidence can get sketch. Later on the matching of sketch or recognizing of sketch can be done with this new computer program, which is sketch a net program. Figure 3: Sample of sketches recognized by new computer program that is, sketch a net program The figure 3 represents the sample of handmade sketches of birds which was recognized by new computer program sketch a net program. As stated by Monk (2014), sketch a net program is a neural network program. Along with this, it is also designed for analyzing and following the human being brain. This computer program is new and unique as it can easily identify the handmade sketches easily in comparison of human being. Problem identified in both the live stories The live stories are based on technology and innovation so the chance of problem is also high. That is, there are several problems related to both the live stories. As mentioned by Cheng et al. (2015), first live story is having problem like, algorithm coordination with the robot operation and database. Along with this, the robots have reduced the human being skills and knowledge level of human beings. In current time, everyone is tried to implement new technologies so organization in big scales are try to implement new robots or technologies (Pain, 2013). Apart from this, human beings are also reducing their physical work, that is, the dependency on internet and robot related technology is increased. In case of second live story, the problems are as, the human being skills and knowledge level is also decreased. On the other hand, as commented by Monk (2014), in current time people thinks that internet can do every work, so why to do it. The main reason of increase in technical dependency is due to this. Moreover, the employment rate of human being is also reduced due to high level dependency on internet and technology. The main side effects of new technology in current time are that; human work is reduced and their intelligence level is also reduced (Cheng et al., 2015). On the other hand, the recognition of object and sketches is done accurately, but efficiency of human are reduced. As stated by De (2013), in current time human beings are increasing their dependency on robots and information technology. On the other hand, the new computer programming helps in identifying the location of sketches and objects present nearby to it. Moreover, the main problem regarding this live sto ry is it increases the human dependency on technology and new innovative robots. Conclusion The two live stories are object recognition for robots and new computer program which can identify sketches more accurately and easily then human being. Both the live stories are based on technology and innovation. On the other hand, with the change in technology the assemblage is also changing. The organizations in current time are changing their technology to increase the competitive advantage. The first live story is based on object recognition for robot, that is, the robot recognizes the object easily. According to ANT theory the actant helps in completion of process and it also helps in developing network. With the help of sensors and other technology robot can recognize object nearby to him. In second live story, the new computer program is discussed, which is expert in recognizing the hand- made sketches. The analysis of both live stories are done taking into consideration actor network theory. On the other hand, the actant in first story is robot and in second story is new co mputer program as well as sketches. References De Montis, A., Pinna, A., Barra, M. and Vranken, E., 2013. Analysis of poultry eating and drinking behavior by software eYeNamic.J Agricult Engineer, 44(2s). Pain, E., 2013. Networking Your Way to a Job.Science. El-Mahdy, A., 2013. Recursive Detection of M-ary Signals over Fast Varying Mobile Communication Channel.TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control), 11(1). Holgate, S., 2014. Creating Your Own Job: From Engineer to Entrepreneur.Science. Cong Vinh, P., 2015. Algebraically Autonomic Computing.Mobile Networks and Applications. Cheng, M., Mitra, N. J., Huang, X., Torr, P. H., and Hu, S. (2015). Global contrast based salient region detection. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on, 37(3), 569-582. Preece, J., Sharp, H., and Rogers, Y. (2015). Interaction Design-beyond human-computer interaction. John Wiley and Sons. Monk, A. F. (2014). Fundamentals of human-computer interaction. Academic Press. Tang, S., Wang, X., Lv, X., Han, T. X., Keller, J., He, Z. and Lao, S. (2013). Histogram of oriented normal vectors for object recognition with a depth sensor. In Computer VisionACCV 2012 (pp. 525-538). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Aggarwal, J. K. (2013). Multisensor fusion for computer vision (Vol. 99). Springer Science and Business Media. Lai, K., Bo, L., Ren, X., and Fox, D. (2013). RGB-D object recognition: Features, algorithms, and a large scale benchmark. In Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision (pp. 167-192). Springer London. Sermanet, P., Eigen, D., Zhang, X., Mathieu, M., Fergus, R., and LeCun, Y. (2013). Overfeat: Integrated recognition, localization and detection using convolutional networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.6229.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Ambition free essay sample

An ambition is an eager, and sometimes an excessive, desire for creation, honor, ascendancy, power, or the attainment of something. Every person is said to have his or her anomalous ambition. One might have dream to be rich, or having a villa. On the other side, one wants to become famous, a scientist or a doctor. Similarly, I have too my own ambition. I don’t want to become wealthy; I don’t want to get any fame. My aim of life is very simple and it is to serve poor people who are not getting enough to survive in this world with all of my heart. It’s said to be that person can be judged from what he wants to get in his life; and how he gets it; obviously it’s his ambition of life. There is one colloquia saying about ambition in life is that a person without any ambition in life is like a ship without a rudder who has no destination. I am really supporting this quote. We are never likely told to cross a bridge until and unless we come to a bridge, but this is the world in which ambition help us cross that bridge faster than other people. Some people think ambition and dreams is equal. But there is a thin wall between ambition and dreams. Ambition generally defined as somebody having a desire, a much stronger feeling than a dream. A dream is something that we can normally get without trying too much toward to achieve it. Ambition is the forces that keep us working and makes us go forward in our life. Its the super energy which energized me when I was facing a problem in the path of my goal. There is only one way to achieve any aim: simply moving forward with continuous improvement and passionate hard working and, obviously, with honesty nd dedication to achieve it. Having ambition is Just not enough. One must have to do continuous effort to achieve it. Maybe there is some obstacle, but it can be overcome only by self-esteem and a strong desire to achieve that ambition. If someone is only day dreaming and only planning instead of acting on that, its likely to get nothing but being at same place when where a person was once. Since I came to the U. S. from India at adolescence, Im enjoying helping others no matter who he/ she is. I have my opinion that if one will help others to achieve his life goal, he or she ill ultimately achieve their goal. I would like to state my personal example here. Once upon a time when I was in India, I had aimed to establish an Non-Government organization (NGO) that works to help slum childrens education as well as to oppose child labor who works at factories and Tea stalls. I started that by introducing my concept with my friend and family. And it was really appreciated by all of them as well as I got lots of suggestion from them. Then we planned to organize one event in which we had decided to go to a slum and poor people, we asked them their roblems, what is the reason for not sending their child to school and we tried to understand them at all levels. And by considering that all aspects we decided to admit some of the children in school with of our financial responsibility and provide them with basic necessities. We also introduced one scheme in which we had awarded the most three talented Children. And provided them scholarship for rest of his their higher education. We taced many problems during the starting phase as we had to work with illiterate people, complete formalities for their admission and in any surprising areas for which we didnt think to be happen. After all, we had overcome those entire difficulties with high spirits, moving forwarding by keeping vision in front of eye and definitely with the help of all NGO members. Now day, its working with full energy. There are many students getting benefit from this NGO and accomplishing their ambition which is one of my ambitions. It gives us more inspiration when students come to us and share their experiences of life. They are part of our NGO now and also working actively. One of best outside example I can tate is about Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi: Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well (#2988 from Laura Moncurs Motivational Quotations). He had vision of free India. He was a bachelor of low graduate. He thought serve to country instead of become wealthy. Mahatma was smart enough to earn much more money by his qualification but he chose country over money. This is the most important thing which inspires to me toward achieving my ambition. He attained his goal by facing ots of difficulties in his way. Some situations were very typical to handle but he didnt compromise with situation. Instead of this, he understood that condition very well and faced that with great excellence, passion, self-confidence and proper planning. In William Shakespeares Macbeth, one can see how ambition can escort one to catastrophic effects if our destination is reached by swindling. Generally, focusing on a wrong aim seems to cause far too much guaranteed damage to relationships and to themselves. Macbeths ambition is to become king. In reality, he should have won this honor with honesty . But Instead of getting all the rights with respect; he has stolen it by cheating others. It may not accepted by any person and so it happened with Macbeth. He didnt get satisfaction but it may cause persecution, leading to more of the same. Once one is trapped into this unstoppable chain, the probability of getting out is with a lot of struggle. Macbeth: miet I do fear thy nature. It is too full the milk of human kindness. Thou wouldst be great, Art not without ambition, but The illness should attend it. (l. v. 16-20). Ambition is a strong desire to do or achieve something. Desire for success, wealth, fame. There is no any obstacle which can stop us from achieving what we have aimed to get in life. Our only obstacle is ourselves, and the extent of our ability to differentiate between a rewarding and devastating aim. If one can see it, one can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it. Dont steal an idea, but use your own, and no matter what road you take, you will end up where you wanted to be. Yes I can be! I can achieve any ambition in my life no matter how hard the situation will be!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

English and Politics

Introduction Orwell is an individual who was concerned about the correct usage of English language in politics and other areas of life. He notes with a lot of concern some very common mistakes that are made by politicians, professors and other people who use English in public. He particularly notes that most of the times, the politicians use sub standard English because they want to conceal something and therefore end up using vague language.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on English and Politics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In an attempt to reduce and eventually eradicate the incorrect usage of English grammar in both spoken and written works, Orwell suggests some set of rules that one could use. He however states that, even with the rules, it is still possible that one can make some mistakes but the mistakes would not be very bad compared to those that were made by some people in the texts that he us es as the sample of incorrect use of English language. Orwell’s standards In the first rule, Orwell says that one should avoid the use of common phrases for example metaphors which have been overused and other clichà ©s. Phrases that have been used in various written works for a long time are especially discouraged. He also warns people to refrain from using long words and instead, try to look for shorter words which can serve the same purpose. The long words make the text unnecessarily complicated when it can be simplified by use of other words with the same meaning. Another rule is that one should choose their words carefully and use only the necessary words. If a word can be left out, then one should not include it in their writings or speech. By doing so, one is able to avoid being unclear because of including such words. The other common mistake that people make in language use is overuse of foreign or scientific terms when one can get other simpler words of the same me aning in English. Orwell says that such words should only be used when there is no other option, otherwise they should be omitted in any good specimen of English. Orwell also warns against the operators or verbal false limbs. He explains this as the unnecessary conversion of a single verb or even a conjunction to a phrase consisting of several words. It can also be used to describe the tendency to follow a certain pre-existing ending format of a sentence instead of one being creative and coming up with their original endings. Many people make this mistake when they are writing or speaking In his last rule, he gives people the discretion to break any of his rules other than say something that will not make sense. Orwell says that if people would adhere to these rules, cases of bad language usage would reduce significantly and eventually be eradicated. Conformity of John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Speech of 1960 to Orwell’s standards This is one of the speeches that have bee n praised by many people in history. It is particularly applauded because of its impact on the listeners and also the various artistic structures employed (Humes 207). It has bold declarations made by John F. Kennedy during his inauguration as president.Advertising Looking for research paper on linguistics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For example, he promises to do everything to protect the democracy of the country and also speaks several statements directed to the enemies of his country. He also calls upon the citizens to be occupied with what they can do for the country instead of just waiting for the country to do things for them. In this paper, the conformance of the speech to various rules set by Orwell meant to gauge a good piece of English text will be evaluated. Dying metaphors The speech is characterized by the use of metaphors to create mental pictures to the listeners of what is being said. Metaphors can be cate gorized into different groups for example; there are metaphors which have been overused such that they no longer play the role that a metaphor should play when used and are considered as dead metaphors. There are others considered as dying metaphors which have been overused but still have not lost their impact and finally there are those considered as living which are able to cause one to have a clear mental picture because they are fresh and probably have been used for the first time by the particular writer or speaker. According to Orwell, dead metaphors are to be avoided if the purpose for which that metaphor is being used is to be served. Dead metaphors lack the important quality of creating a mental image in the listener’s mind. Kennedy, in his speech tries to adhere to this rule because most of the metaphors he uses are not in the category of dead ones. For example, he talks of ‘iron tyranny’ ( 1). Although this is not exactly in the category of a dead metaphor, it is still a common metaphor that is overused by many people in spoken and written works. The metaphor however is still able to produce the mental picture intended in the listener’s mind. There are other metaphors too that he used effectively in conveying his message during his inauguration. In reference to the people who find themselves in danger that they could have avoided if they were wise enough, he uses the metaphor ‘riding the back of the tiger and ending up inside’ ( 1). He also talks of exploring the stars conquering the deserts metaphorically to pass the message to the people concerning their intention as a country to going for great things and overcoming all obstacles. These two metaphors still are able to create images in the mind of the listeners although they are not very new and also cause them to react in certain way because of the influence of the words that have been used. By using them, Kennedy is still on the saf e side when it comes to application of Orwell’s standards because the two are not wholly in the category of dead metaphors. He also talks of assisting the people who are still ‘struggling to break the bonds of mass misery’ ( 1). This is a metaphor that helps the listeners create a clear mental image of what he is saying.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on English and Politics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The speech slightly deviates from the set standards because of the use of commonly used phrases like ‘friend and foe alike’ which is not recommended by Orwell ( 1). According to him, such overused phrases should be left out as they make one unable to be creative in speech and they can contribute to vagueness in the message that one intended to communicate The use of active or passive voice The speech is full of sentences in active voice as compar ed to passive voice. Most of the sentences have a subject as opposed to passive sentences which leaves out the doer of the action. However there is an instance where there is the use of passive, i.e., when he wants to says that the responsibility has been given to someone else, he uses the passive sentence: ‘the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans’ ( 1). In the rest of his speech, he uses sentences in the active voice. He commits himself to doing things that are his responsibility by using the active voice and first person singular pronoun instead of evading commitment by using passive. He uses sentences in the active voice to show people the reality of the imminent long struggle that they are going to face as a nation despite the fact that they have just come out of a hard period characterized by cold war (Clarke 9). He does not try to give the people false hope by using passive voice which is mostly used by people who are not straightfor ward in what they are saying. He also speaks to the enemies of the nation directly using the same sentence structures and points out the responsibility of both the state and the citizens directly instead of just assuming that each is aware of what is expected of them. Through the effective use of active speech, Schlesinger (165) notes that the young president, Kennedy, also commits himself to defend the country’s democracy by all means. Pretentious diction The speech also passes the test of pretentious diction as a standard of good English specimen proposed by Orwell. This is because Kennedy uses simple everyday language as opposed to some political speeches which are full of exaggerated foreign words and other uncommon words for example scientific words. Most of the words that he uses can be understood by ordinary people without much struggle. He uses short clear words and also sentences whose structure is simple therefore making the speech captivating and easy to understand (O’Brien 75). This has made his speech to be praised by many people and especially because of its simplicity to everyone who can understand English.Advertising Looking for research paper on linguistics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More His choice of words is good as he chooses words which are able to produce certain reactions in the people. For example, he tells the people not to negotiate out of fear or fear to negotiate. Most of the text is written in simple words. It is only in the sentence where the word ‘belaboring’ is used where he seems to have used a complex word although it is possible to substitute with a more common word like ‘dwell on’ or others which are simpler and more common. Operators or verbal false limbs Here, one tries to avoid the task of choosing appropriate parts of a speech for example the nouns of verbs and tries to simplify the task by several means e.g. transforming a lone verb to a phrase with several words. The use of conjunctions is also altered by introducing other words in addition to the conjunction to make it a phrase. Certain sentence endings are also commonly used because one does not want to think of a different way that the sentence can end and theref ore opts for what is common. The speech in question lacks such operators or verbal false limbs. Most of the verbs and conjunctions are used correctly without adding extra words to make them phrases and the sentences endings are all unique and not just following a certain copied pattern. He avoids most of the phrases, either with verbs or conjunctions as listed by Orwell, which should be avoided in a good specimen of English. He uses single verbs and conjunctions and conforms to this rule in almost the entire text. Meaningless words Again, Kennedy’s speech avoids the use of meaningless words which at times crowd a piece of English text making it hard to understand and also unnecessarily long. The speech is relatively short and is devoid of such words which may not make any sense when used. He chooses his words carefully and joins them together in a way that they cause the reader or listener then be persuaded that he means every word he says in the speech (Wills 62). Like many political writings, there are some areas in the speech where there is vagueness. He says, for example, that they are going to help those in poverty to get out of it. He does not say precisely what they are planning to do to help these people who he says live in abject poverty. It is also not clear the specific people he is addressing because, globally there are many people who are struggling to break free from the chains of poverty. Also the words, ‘to convert our good words into good deeds’ ( 1), seem not to have a definite meaning because the word ‘good’ is relative and can mean different things. It becomes hard for anyone listening to such a speech to clearly understand what good words or good deeds the person is talking about. Conclusion Although John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Speech breaks a few of Orwell’s rules, it is still a good specimen of English because it observes most of them as discussed in the paper. For example, the s peech is devoid of foreign or scientific words which are misused in most written or spoken works. He tries to use simple, everyday language which can be understood by many people. He puts forth his points clearly using only the relevant words and leaves out any unnecessary words. The speech also avoids the use of clichà ©s and long words which can be replaced by shorter and more common words. It is so easy for anyone who reads this speech to understand it. It is written in ordinary English that does not need a lot of in depth understanding of vocabulary. The ideas in it flow well. According to Giglio (2), his speech seems to represent what he truly believes in because it lacks vagueness which is mostly used by politicians who do not want to be clear in what they are saying to the public. Such politicians use this tool to be dishonest and cause confusion among the people on what they actually intended to pass across. What he intends to do for the nation and also what is expected of the people is clearly stated. He urges the people not to focus on what they want the country to do for them but on what they too can offer to the country. Works Cited John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address. London:, 2011. Retrieved from Clarke, Thurston. Ask Not: The Inauguration of John F. Kennedy and the Speech  that Changed America. New York: Henry Holt and Co, 2004. Giglio, James. The Presidency of John F. Kennedy. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1991. Humes, James. My Fellow Americans: Presidential Addresses That Shaped  History. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1992. O’Brien, Michael. John F. Kennedy: A Biography. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2005. Schlesinger, Arthur. A Thousand Days: John F. Kennedy in the White House.  Boston,MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1965. Wills, Garry. The Kennedy Imprisonment: A Meditation on Power. Boston, MA: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1981. This research paper on English and Politics was written and submitted by user Kaitlin Howard to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Poverty Essays

Poverty Essays Poverty Essay Poverty Essay As a citizen of the Philippines for almost eighteen years today, Vive always dreaming off better nation. I always want the Philippines to be In Its highest glory. But as I witness It every day, the social problems In our country became worse as the time pass by. Just Like the social reality that Is mentioned In the film that poverty Is the main problem of our country because corruption seems more fun in the Philippines corrupt officials enjoy higher standard of living while millions pay the price of poverty, hunger and death. And still many of our countrymen lack basic access to elate, food and shelter. Eel sad and deep pity for those people who experienced poverty. But for me, it is not just the corruption that causes the poverty in our country, but also, our lack of love for our country. We are blinded by the thinking that it is merely the corrupt politicians, in the first place were elected by most of us Filipinos, which cause our misery. We always put the blame on them without t hinking that we also have to blame ourselves. We should not Just work for ourselves but also for our neighborhood and country. We should love them as much as we love God. Love Is the keyword, which we should remember because If we have love for our neighbors and for our country we can help solve the poverty that our country was experiencing. We cannot change the sinful structure at once. It should start from us. Love must start in ourselves, in a small scale and have to grow. So, in my own little ways, the solutions that I can help to solve the problem in poverty are the following: First, I should educate myself. I should have DISCIPLINE and HARDWOOD. I will follow the laws and regulations and avoid laziness. Second, I should help myself and my Emily to stop poverty or (uplift the way of living) we have. Sociologists would study the relationships between people who are poor. They may also look at ideas that the poor have towards the wealthy. Symbolic interactions generally look at the face-to-face interactions between individuals. From a functionalist perspective, they believe that everything is important to the world functioning. Many things can cause poverty. One of the main things that leads to poverty is a lack of education. Many people lack the education to compete for the higher paying Jobs and find themselves at a disadvantage. In the United States, African Americans have higher number of poor members than whites. This can be directly associated with the fact that many African Americans dont have the same educational opportunities as whites. In many other countries, people are doomed to a life of poverty because of the lack of educational opportunities. A conflict theorist would believe that education can actually lead to poverty in society. This belief is based on the belief that areas that are already wealthy will naturally produce a better learning environment for their students. This better opportunity to learn better prepares those students to one ay obtain higher paying Jobs. Conflict theorists also believe this can lead to a chain effect when it comes to crime in poorer areas. There are distinct differences between crimes and punishment when you look at wealthy and poorer individuals. Wealthy people have the advantage of having access to better lawyers and a understanding of the Justice system, while poorer individuals are often thought of as guilty as soon as the trial starts. Another aspect of conflict theory is the idea of capitalism, which is a competitive social structure that creates winners and losers. Often times many people cant compete in this system because of various factors that affect us from birth. In the capitalist system a minority of people often called elites are the bosses, the ones who run the companies and make the money. This in turn leaves the workers left to fight and compete over the limited amount of resources. With the vast amount of people left to compete, it is only natural that some people would get left out of the wealth. This is how poverty is created. In a way poverty is started like this because the system is set up that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. But which leads to Jobs being moved overseas because they can be done for cheaper wages. This is natural in the case of capitalism but it has a dramatic effect of the millions of Americans who need those Jobs. In current times a full time Job may not be enough to support a family with Just one partner working. Ultimately, conflict theorist believe that society is Just a collection of groups that push and promote their ideals in order to get ahead, thus leading to poverty and crime. Social interaction theorist looks at the relationships between people and the beliefs they have. The hemolytic interactions perspective believes that norms, values, and beliefs are learned through social interaction. There is an idea that those who are poor must be lazy and if they want to be rich, all they have to do is work harder. Poverty is a social problem simply because of the fact that it affects everyone, even those who themselves are not poor. Poverty leads to other things that affect our everyday lives. Crime and poverty go hand in hand. Poverty is more prevalent in urban areas where poor whites and minorities stay, and crime statistically is more prevalent in these areas. The stress of poverty drives these individuals to resort to crime and this leads to a cycle as their children are raised in this environment of poverty with no way out. Conservative and traditionally upper class Americans blame our current welfare system for this, stating that people have no desire to move up in life when they can just live off of government assistance. This is a common occurrence among the elite upper class. The perception on poor people has always been that if they Just work harder, then they can achieve what I have. This idea is supported by the upper class noncreative Americans who most likely havent had to struggle in their life and havent been on the other side of the argument. Interaction between individuals from different social backgrounds can lead to certain culture gaps. Poorer individuals may believe the wealthy people have had everything given to them seeing as some people are born into wealth, while wealthy individuals that work for their money believe that hard work and determination can lead to wealth. Stereotypes and beliefs can lead to conflict and differences between people from different backgrounds. Individuals from Rorer backgrounds can also become stuck in a perpetual loop of poverty. Morals and ideas are passed down from generation to generation and poorer individuals tend to have suspect morals. Leaving children with grandparents, sex at an earlier age, and unmarried parenthood are considered normal and acceptable among individuals living in a culture of poverty. Certain groups, according to this belief, remain poor over time as the culture of poverty is given from one generation to the next. The functionalist perspective of poverty believes that poverty is society is a system. This macro belief means that society is like a machine, every part needs to be working or it will fail. This belief means that poverty is needed for society to function, to provide balance. Without poverty, there can be no rich people and the wealthy are needed for society to run smoothly. A functionalist would say that those who are poor are in that situation because they dont have the knowledge, work ethic, or opportunity to achieve in society. This means that everyone has the capability to become wealthy with the right circumstances and resources. Functionalists believe hat poverty wouldnt have a place in society if it didnt have a place and a purpose. Poverty can actually lead to more Jobs for people such as social work, counselors, Poverty, no matter how you view it, is a social problem that has no true solution. Social theorist may have different beliefs and views but one constant is that poverty remains a social problem in our society. Whether its Marx and his communism and poverty belief, or Weber and his theory of social stratification, it can be said that social theorist, no matter how different their beliefs, agree that poverty is indeed a social problem.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Security Assessment Check For Premier Commercial Bank Essay

Security Assessment Check For Premier Commercial Bank - Essay Example In relation to the study the company which has been selected is Premier commercial bank as one of the largest asset financed bank in the region that has a broad customer base across the region. The bank deals in so many transactions and they are as outlined; depository transactions, withdrawal transactions, credit advancement services, Personal and business loan services, mortgages among others. In line with the mission statement, Premier commercial bank seeks to maintain proper custody and care of the client’s money at all times. This is done through ensuring that proper handling and correct security measures are complied with so as no to contradict our goal. Within the Bank there are certain sections that may be prone to security violation and they include: Automated Teller Machines, Mobile banking services, Internet banking, Electronic money transfers, physical building security, safety of cash in transit, Strong money room and the banking hall. All these are areas whose se curity has to be properly counterchecked at all times. The outlined areas are vulnerable and susceptible to vandalism. Recently there was an anonymous withdrawal at the ATM machines by an unknown persona that involved loss of huge amounts of money. Again many cases of theft of cash in transit to the Central bank were reported. These were also followed by sequence of fraudulent transfers of money to offshore accounts by the bank personnel. This was after a recent bank robbery scare within the branch. As a senior security analyst would be obliged to give the following recommendations so as to minimize if not put to an end to all threats to Premier Bank’s state of security. There should be a web cam at the ATM machine to keep track of all those who come to withdraw money from it. Secondly there should be proper password protection and authorization so as to minimize theft by the bank personnel who deal with electronic transfers of money within and out of the region. Thirdly, the security guards who escort money on transit should have the right facilities so as to sustain security measures. This could involve provision of car trackers that may be monitored incase the vehicle is hijacked. In this view during the escort there should also be some law enforcement like police officers who’ll maintain and propel security measures. Security assessments refer to conducting vulnerability tests and assessments tests on business or any working environment in order to keep its networks protected. This may involve physical security such as guards and use of closed circuit camera systems. A security assessment may be performed by an IT or internal security expert or through the use of hiring security firms to check for any loopholes in the current security procedures. A vulnerability check is designed in a way that enables a firm to know its potential areas of weaknesses and the information obtained may be used to enhance security. The security assessment test of Premier Commercial Bank conducted by me and the help of Securex security firm is geared to produce a conclusive report of the bank’s state of security. Investigations were carried out in all areas of the bank operations through the use of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Airline mergers case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Airline mergers case study - Essay Example (Holtz and Grimme, 2009, p. 13) An ‘Open Skies’ agreement was signed between USA and European in 2007 that enabled the merged firms to ‘change their ownership structure’ and to get maximum voting rights from Dutch Government authorities. Indeed, the Air France and KLM then became subsidiaries of newly formed KLM – Air France. This was quite helpful in building shareholders’ confidence over top management of new company. (Holtz and Grimme, 2009, p. 14) The governments were paying special attention to develop environmental security laws and regulations to grapple with increasingly large menace of global warming. The demand of air travel was constantly growing since 2002 because of phenomenal economic growth and increase in real incomes in both developed West and emerging nations. This in turn created more opportunities for airlines that later resulted in higher monetary gains, however, the competition among firms increased substantially because of new entrants joined the arena. Indeed, the conditions were quite favorable because of skyrocketing demand for cargo services besides normal visitors. The merger would have easily increased business efficiency, market share and consumer reach. (Friesen, 2005) The increase in employment opportunities and business scope improved the standard of living across the world. Consumers, therefore, were inclined to use air travel services in their leisure. Similarly, business personnel were also required travel services to reach their destinations abroad for negotiation with partners, dealers and parties. Hence, propensity to spend for air travel had increased. (Katarzyna, 2004) The special attention was paid to develop modernised aircrafts with greater seat capacity, range and fuel-efficiency to minimise the threat of carbon emission and pollution. Indeed, the new aircrafts were produced to reduce consumption of fossil fuels. The bargaining power of customers was medium due to the fact the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Article Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Review - Article Example It provides alternative to Kenyans living in urban communities to send money to their loved ones living in the provinces. It beats having to spend time falling inline on banks and other money transfer services. The convenience, security, and portability of doing the transaction anytime, anywhere made M- PESA a preferred method for money transfer for 9.5 million Kenyans, that’s over 20 percent of the total population (The Economist, 2010). M- PESA works by converting the user’s cash to ‘e-float’, wherein money is digitalized and is credited to their phone. They could exchange or purchase ‘e-float’ through accredited banks and partnered agents who also sell airtime/ prepaid cards. When they want to send money or ‘e-float’ to another person, they would just key-in the amount they want to send. The receiving party—who also would have to be a Safaricom subscriber to be able to receive the e-float, would just simply show his phone —which contains the text message and reference number to the transaction, to redeem the e-float and exchange it to cash.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Social and Legal Issues associated with Multimedia Industry

Social and Legal Issues associated with Multimedia Industry Section A Identify and discuss legal and social issues of the multimedia industry Multimedia the name itself indicates its a combination of multiple media content, all the digital devices, electronic machines utilized this generation and future generations mainly aims to focus on delivering high quality multimedia content in their desired product. As the Quality of the products or service is good, such organizations have huge reputation in society. Apart from goodwill there are also some other side effects in multimedia industry (Adjeroh and Nwosu, 1997). The media content can be served in many forms text, audio, and videos by stealing others digital property or morphing media content and providing false reputation to organization. Majorly Copyright issues cause much loss to film industry, by duplicating media content, and selling illegally earns money. Most of the organizations in media industry are using advanced tools in designing graphics, logo creation, banner creation, 2d animation, 3d animation and wedding works etc. But along with pros there are some cons existed in this field. This paper presents all the pros and cons, legal and social issues in depth knowledge to improve its performance, effectiveness and remove its difficulties for future generations as well as it helps for technology vandals. Some of the major issues in media industry are copyright issues, Health and safety, Employer liability, Employer rights, Confidentiality, Accuracy, Privacy, Harm and offense, Misuse of technology in social media are critically evaluated in this paper. Other part of paper will discuss purely about design and implementation of application show case, the way animation is planned using appropriate tools and its sub options. In depth explanation of the way how individual objects are re-shaped and grouped as one object. Copyright Issues: A medium used for protecting rights of media creators from various illegal technologist by providing proprietary ownership (Browell, 1997). These basic rights are already formulated decades ago to protect individual copyright. But with the use of internet and technology these laws are subjected to modifications. Individual has a Right to freedom but no right to interfere or utilize others media content without their concern. Many authors in related field of research have mentioned similar qualities and illegitimate use of copyrighted documents or content. Recent times  ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Latest techniques have emerged in protecting and identifying illegal misusers of media content using water marking process. According to US legislation have some protocols released on Copyright act of 1976 a notice on such issues it says that offense of using or selling others work without purchasing its rights. Health and Safety policy: This policy clearly describes about some sectors of multimedia industry such as Film industry, news channels, discovery, cartoon which gives support and advice to public (Adjeroh and Nwosu, 1997). Before telecasting media content certain risk assessments are taken to avoid miscommunications and social issues. Accuracy: Misuse of technology by creating unrealistic media content and misguiding the public and provoking them to unwanted emotions causes severe social issues which have been identified in this research. So it is advised to not to modify the facts for their own self to acquire profits. This may cause huge damage and mistrust on media industry reputation. Privacy: The primary aspect of multimedia industry is nothing but privacy, it always advised to not interrupt with any individual life before telecasting multimedia content (Cuttler, 2011). The telecaster must be aware of laws and have permission of rightful person whom it concern before providing publicly. Harm and offense: Some Television broadcaster and every civilian have right to produce righteous content and information to public. By keeping kids and youth on mind unsuitable content must be avoided. In order to prevent from socio ethical issues on misguided multimedia content (Multimedia, 2016). Here, there are some other issues which are related to moral principles based on ethical way in media industry creating trust with appropriate information will create trust else subject to issues. Adjeroh, D. and Nwosu, K. (1997). Multimedia database management-requirements and issues. IEEE Multimedia, 4(3), pp.24-33. Browell, S. (1997). Open learning and multimedia the legal issues. Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning, 12(1), pp.52-57. Cuttler, B. (2011). Media and telecommunication issues. 1st ed. New York: Nova Science Publishers. Multimedia. (2016). Social and Ethical Issues. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Nov. 2016]. Section B Evaluate your multimedia application, discuss using critical judgment and reflection its effectiveness The starting state of multimedia application development that is designing the logo and poster based on given Project for Revolution Films production with the movie name: Interstellar Battalion which is released in 2016. Then started using adobe Photoshop tool to design my first logo in which set up background colour and border with distinct colour with alien image middle of screen with given criteria 50 * 50 mm size. This software contains various options to design a professional logo and poster for film industry with less effort in short time. The poster of A4 size international format utilized gradient tool and applied some filter to blur the image and look good. When designing another format multimedia content form i.e. 2D animation which is of 1 min animated movie clip based on given scenario aliens invading into earth and attacks on china, Russia and Europe. These three attacks are classified into 3 days scenario every time a new layer is created then selected starting and ending key frames to have an action. Motion tween is used to provide an object or character move from one place to other. Other similar functionality of classic tween is used to move objects on a particular background screen. Text option is used display textual content on image. An alien and spaceship characters are designed to give full justification to given scenario of title Interstellar Battalion which is designed Adobe Animate. When comes to 3D animation design, there are several objects are included in the tool such as rectangle, square, circle and sphere etc. Each object has its associated properties to reshape the object into desired shape. But initially to reshape an object, it must be converted to editable poly to get advanced options to reshape such as vertex, edges, polygon etc. Different shape and coloured objects are taken reshaped according to image of spaceship and alien robot. Further group certain objects and then done cloning option is utilized to get similar create object then changed direction to flip and look grouped object in correct direction. Then created application show case with the above designed all animated designs using adobe premiere. By adding all the animated clips into given screen, using some shortcuts f5, f6,f7 and f8 and finally exported a video on the above delivered scenes and a sample video mixing clip is developed using sample application. Initially took some sample video clips on YouTube and edited according to film scenario and added other clips and created sample video. This application is best useful for video editing and mixing. Initially while designing the film there was some problems faced but the material and the guidance provided by the professor helped me to finish the film. Apart from the university material lot of you tube videos has been useful in completing the film successfully. Different kind of softwares has been used for the designing of film like logos have been designed using adobe Photoshop, posters have been designed using adobe illustrator, Adobe animate was used in doing 2D works which has an alien, spaceship, spaceship with legs and the film shows three days attacks that take place. 3D work is done using 3DS software and adobe premiere was used for making the movie trailer. Initially when the project was started different kind of logos have been designed which are scary and which contains too much texts. Later, it was observed that the logos should be clear with good colour and texts and should be clearly understood by everyone. Then the logos have been designed differently. Different logos have been designed and one among them is chosen finally for the film which is the best one. Once after finishing the design of the logo poster was designed. Poster was to advertise the film. Different posters were designed and one was chosen from them for the film. With the completion of the film become familiar with the softwares that have been used. If there was more time the film would be have designed more effectively by doing the repeated work and making changes to it to get the good work Section C Designs The below sketches are the different ideas of logos, posters, aliens, spaceships. References Jim Sterling (2016) Spacecats in Space. [Online Video].Aug 9th. Available from: [Accessed: 25/10/16] Lukes 3D (2011) Spaceship Battle in Atmosphere. [Online Video]. 26th Aug. Available from: [Accessed: 30/10/16]. Rob the Robot (2016) Cartoon. [Online Video] 28th Aug. Available from: [Accessed: 15/11/16]. Jack Teeya (2012) IL Risveglo Quantico. [Online Video] 7th Jul. Available from: [Accessed: 18/11/16]. 1. Introduction: Internet has changed the world in many possible ways, with the inception of internet and World Wide Web communications and interactions have started a new phase. With Social Media becoming a daily life essential, it has turned into a new place to expresses opinions and feelings. There has been now a huge increase in demand for tools which can analyse the individual behaviour and in social media and internet. Social media analysis has now divided into multiple branches and there are many applications. This project would analyse the tweets and makes a sentiment analysis of a on a specific topic. 2. Aim: The Aim of the research is to study the Opinion mining and Sentiment analysis and the various applications of it. Also, to analyse the challenges of sentiment analysis and build an artefact with collaborative Opinion mining and Sentiment analysis model from an external source (like Twitter). 3. Objects: To study various types of Opinion mining and Sentiment analysis and techniques To study the features of Sentiment analysis and analyse its applications. To build an Artefact produces a processing model for Sentiment analysis which gather information from external source like twitter. To Investigate the future scope of Sentiment analysis and its challenges. To get a detailed report analysing the various challenges and treats in applying Sentiment analysis for industry. 4. Research Ethics: The ethics to be dealt with to do research are called as research ethics, and it is carried all along the research. No personal or confidential information would be collected from the people, and the results are produced without any personal biases, research would not take place on a vulnerable group. All University rules and regulations are strictly adhered. All the requirements and deliverables would be discussed and their suggestions would be considered for. And it is also ensured that no personal information would be accessed through the data collected from tweets generated for the project, and that data would not be made public either. The survey conducted would not hold any personal information like name and contact information. And only copyrighted and open source software would be used for the project. And it is made sure that any pirated software isnt used with in the project. 5. Intellectual Challenges: 1) Creating an interface with twitter server using public and private keys and to extract data directly from the server requires good configuration management, as the data fetched has to be perfectly pipelined and fine-tuned for the project. 2) Analysing the tweets, which are in the form of semi-structured data requires good analytical skills and the Hive Distributed File System Format would be used to store and analyse the data as it is semi-structured data. 6. Deliverables: Producing a detailed project plan and complete documentation. Data collection includes primary and secondary research the both methods for the project. Producing a detailed literature review. Analysing various challenges that had to be addressed during the project development. Building an artefact which extracts the data from twitter by creating a twitter API. Producing the design models in the project documentation. Testing the artefact and the results obtained. Critical evaluation of the project is done. Analysing the future scope of the project and document it along with conclusion. 7. Resources: Hardware: Processer: Intel Pentium Dual Core. RAM: 4 GB RAM. Hard Disk: 10 GB HDD. Software: Front End: Hadoop, Scala, Spark, Sqoop. Back End: H-Base or MYSQL. Operating System: UNIX Operating System. IDE: Eclipse or Intel IJ 8. Research Approach: A mixed method approach is used for this research, in this method both the Quantitative and Qualitative data are used. And the result gained would be based on analysing the both methods. Qualitative approach, is to collect the data from already existing literature such as standard journals, IEEE paper, research publications etc., also a subject matter expert opinion or an individual feedback which is obtained by their research, experience or individual feedback and this cant be indicated in percentages or the data that cant be quantified. Quantitative data is the data which can be measured in numbers and percentages which makes the result in numerals and this is obtained in case studies or questionnaires and online surveys. A sample survey is carried for this research with a short questionnaire and this questionnaire consist of some sample questions like how often do you use twitter? What types of tweets do you generally tweet? Etc. are carried on the questionnaire. And this gives the quantitative data for the research. A lot of standard literature is referred to get the qualitative data for the project. And the combination of both the qualitative and quantitative data would be make the research more authentic. 9. Literature review: Throughout the history humans always want to interact with others socially. And, this has been keep on changing from time to time. It started with signals, symbols, radio communications, telegraphs and telephone till internet. Information technology has completely changed the face of communication and socialisation. As per the report by Nelson (2010), the internet consumers spend most of their time online for social networking followed by online gaming and e-mail in United States of America. 2.1 Social media and Data Collection: There are many social networking sites currently available and this has given an alternate to media and connect with known people like friends and transfer required information directly. The different social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn which are all web based applications which creates and exchanges large amount of user generated data. The social network can be considered as mapping of different individuals, where individuals can be taken as nodes and the way they are related can be taken as edges. Currently, millions of people across the world use social media for expressing their views, share ideas which generates data. Conventionally, mailing services are used in sending and storing data and social networking is used for connecting with people and for bloggings. Social networking has a remarkable increase in popularity and usage in a very short span. Statica (2016) claims that there are about 1,590 million active Facebook users, and they generate millions of data updates constantly such as communications, blogs, post, etc. However, Rashid (2011) discusses that social networking has played a key role in the Middle East revolution of 2011 where the activist used Facebook for scheduling the protest, Twitter for co-ordinating and spreading information and YouTube to share the progress to the world. Number of Active Social media users for different applications. Social media can be used for both personal and business needs and thus can be done by an account creation, contacting the other users, creating post either personal or business related and all this activity create data. And creating such data by millions of users regularly is large and big. Social media is a fastest growing internet application and this started with the inception of a social networking sites called in 1995 and this has grown in an un-predicted manner. 2.2 Data Analysis: The artefact built is used in analysing the semi structured data, the data that is in the form of limited characters and this data is like the data in emails, log documents, word and text files etc., And analysis such a huge amount of data and in a semi structured format can be done with the traditional relational databases such as SQL, MYSQL or DB2, so we can do that with some Hadoop databases and the data must be stored using the Hadoop frame work databases such as H-Base, Couch DB or Mango DB. Sqoop is used to extract the data and then a database is formed in the Hive format called HDFS i.e., Hive Distributed File system. And the data is extracted using Map Reducing Technique. 2.3 Sentiment Analysis: The sentiment analysis is done by using some token words and all the tweets generated are assigned with some augmented words, and these are argument words are classified on three categories such as positive, neutral and negative. And when the arguments are categorised all the positive words are grouped as a positive group and certain words can be grouped as negative group and all the tweets with words which dont fall in both can be termed as neutral. And based on the cumulative of the collected tweets the trend can be easily classified and is accessed, and thus trend can be easily analysed using sentiment analysis. 2.4 Extracting Data from twitter: For the artefact, live data from Twitter is to be extracted, for this twitter account must be created and then by using APP. Twitter, a set of private and public keys are created and this keys are used in the creating a connection with twitter server.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Jackie Robinson Essay -- essays research papers

The Great One   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  “ He struck a mighty blow for equality, freedom and the American way of life. Jackie Robinson was a good citizen, a great man, and the true American champion.'; Ronald Reagon. I don’t know if anyone could have summarized his life better. Jackie was a great influence to the American public. To over came diversity and succeed is a great accomplishment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jackie Roosevelt Robinson was born in Cairo, Georgia, January 31 1919. He went to college at the University of UCLA. Where he was a star in four sports basketball, baseball, football, and track. He is the only bruin to letter in four sports. After college he went to pursue a career in the Army. He soon became a lieutenant. He was put on honorable d...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Corporate governance Essay

Other studies have attempted to isolate the impact of separate social factors on financial performance. For instance, Derwall, Gunster, Bauer, & Koedjik, K. (2003) have included the innovest eco-efficiency scores of US companies, and have looked at the environmental factor. After controlling the risk and investment style, they concluded that the high-ranked portfolio outperforms the low-ranked portfolio. The results become significant when adjusted for industry effects. Becker & Huselid (1998) have concentrated on the relationship between human resources management and firm performance. An analysis of over 500 multi-industry US companies present that a high performance HRM system has an economically and statistically positive effect on organizational performance. Gompers, Ishi, & Metrick, A. (2003) have emphasized the corporate governance aspect. They have drafted a governance index using 24 governance rules on 1,500 large US firms. An investment strategy that purchased shares of well-governed firms and sold shares in badly-governed firms earned an abnormal return during the 1990s. The research has applied style-adjustments. Bauer, Gunster, & Otten (2003) have analyzed the effect of corporate governance on stock returns and firm value. They have utilized the Deminor Corporate Governance ratings to build a portfolio of organizations with bad corporate governance. They find positive results for style-adjusted returns, with weaker positive results after adjustment for country differences. In summary, majority of the studies have presented an out-performance for SRI portfolios compares with more traditional investment approaches, even if such differences do not always present as statistically significant. When particular dimensions of sustainability are investigated, more significant and positive results are brought forth, suggesting that some facets of corporate social responsibility may also contribute shareholder value. Hypothesis This research will look into the efficiency of the internet, especially the corporate websites in transmitting messages with regard to one’s corporate social responsibility. In the same way, it would determine the role of corporate responsibility in increasing profits and revenues of a certain organization. It would look at how US companies incorporate their corporate social responsibility into their websites and how they link the most present and relevant issues into the general characteristics of the company (corporate profile) and of their products and services. In the same manner, this study aims to look at how these issues have been presented in their websites. Are they using the descriptive or informative approach and are they more commercial in perspective instead of allowing an ethical valuation or an appraisal of the company’s compromises in its production. This would also look into the issue of corporate governance. This research shall be qualitative in nature. According to Fay (1996), qualitative researchers attempt to accurately describe, decode and interpret the precise meanings of a certain phenomenon to a person or group of people. The research will also be based on the interpretative paradigm. According to Saunders et al. (2003) interpretive research is a broader term than qualitative research and it encompasses all other approaches based on participant observation such as ethnographic, qualitative, phenomenological, constructivist, and case studies. Second, interpretive research does not carry with it the false connotation of excluding the use of quantitative measures. The focus lies at the different constructions and meanings people place upon their own experiences and the reasons for those differences. The researcher shall use three tests focused in one group. These shall include surveys, focus group discussions and interviews that are essential in gaining necessary data. The focus group discussion of qualitative analysis was utilized, offering the proponent the opportunity to follow up and clarify certain facets of the research to the researchers and to the peers of the research group. It also permitted the members of the focus group to express his/her feelings, opinions and concerns. Following this, the focus group discussions created were documented and thematically analyzed. In order to effectively evaluate the research hypothesis and meet the objectives of the study, this study will employ two qualitative research methods – the focus group discussion and interview method of research. Qualitative research in itself makes for an in-depth evaluation and analysis of human dynamics and the kind of reasons that motivate such behaviour and the reasons that revolve around such behaviour to spur out in the first place. As compared to quantitative research, the qualitative method of analysis relies on the fundamental reasons behind the reactions of people when external factors are applied to a given situation. Simply put, it investigates the why and how of decision making, relative to what is being identified by the quantitative method of analysis – what, where, and when (Denzin & Lincoln 2000). For this reason, qualitative research only requires a relatively small group as compared to the relatively large yet most of if not all of the time are random samples. Qualitative research also identifies and sorts data into relevant and helpful patterns as the foundation for organization and the basis for reporting the kind of results for data.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Elliptic Functions

The terminology for elliptic integrals and functions has changed during their investigation. What were originally called elliptic functions are now called elliptic integrals and the term elliptic functions reserved for a different idea. We will therefore use modern terminology throughout this article to avoid confusion. It is important to understand how mathematicians thought differently at different periods. Early algebraists had to prove their formulas by geometry. Similarly early workers with integration considered their problems solved if they could relate an integral to a geometric object. Many integrals arose from attempts to solve mechanical problems. For example the period of a simple pendulum was found to be related to an integral which expressed arc length but no form could be found in terms of 'simple' functions. The same was true for the deflection of a thin elastic bar. The study of elliptical integrals can be said to start in 1655 when Wallis began to study the arc length of an ellipse. In fact he considered the arc lengths of various cycloids and related these arc lengths to that of the ellipse. Both Wallis and Newton published an infinite series expansion for the arc length of the ellipse. At this point we should give a definition of an elliptic integral. It is one of the form r(x, p(x) )dx where r(x,y) is a rational function in two variables and p(x) is a polynomial of degree 3 or 4 with no repeated roots. In 1679 Jacob Bernoulli attempted to find the arc length of a spiral and encountered an example of an elliptic integral. Jacob Bernoulli, in 1694, made an important step in the theory of elliptic integrals. He examined the shape the an elastic rod will take if compressed at the ends. He showed that the curve satisfied ds/dt = 1/(1 - t4) then introduced the lemniscate curve (x2+y2)2 = (x2-y2) whose arc length is given by the integral from 0 to x of dt/(1 - t4) This integral, whi... Free Essays on Elliptic Functions Free Essays on Elliptic Functions The terminology for elliptic integrals and functions has changed during their investigation. What were originally called elliptic functions are now called elliptic integrals and the term elliptic functions reserved for a different idea. We will therefore use modern terminology throughout this article to avoid confusion. It is important to understand how mathematicians thought differently at different periods. Early algebraists had to prove their formulas by geometry. Similarly early workers with integration considered their problems solved if they could relate an integral to a geometric object. Many integrals arose from attempts to solve mechanical problems. For example the period of a simple pendulum was found to be related to an integral which expressed arc length but no form could be found in terms of 'simple' functions. The same was true for the deflection of a thin elastic bar. The study of elliptical integrals can be said to start in 1655 when Wallis began to study the arc length of an ellipse. In fact he considered the arc lengths of various cycloids and related these arc lengths to that of the ellipse. Both Wallis and Newton published an infinite series expansion for the arc length of the ellipse. At this point we should give a definition of an elliptic integral. It is one of the form r(x, p(x) )dx where r(x,y) is a rational function in two variables and p(x) is a polynomial of degree 3 or 4 with no repeated roots. In 1679 Jacob Bernoulli attempted to find the arc length of a spiral and encountered an example of an elliptic integral. Jacob Bernoulli, in 1694, made an important step in the theory of elliptic integrals. He examined the shape the an elastic rod will take if compressed at the ends. He showed that the curve satisfied ds/dt = 1/(1 - t4) then introduced the lemniscate curve (x2+y2)2 = (x2-y2) whose arc length is given by the integral from 0 to x of dt/(1 - t4) This integral, whi...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Biography of Oscar Wilde, Irish Poet and Playwright

Biography of Oscar Wilde, Irish Poet and Playwright Born Oscar Fingal OFlahertie Wills Wilde, Oscar Wilde (October 16, 1854 – November 30, 1900) was a popular poet, novelist, and playwright in the late 19th century. He wrote some of the most enduring works in the English language, but is equally remembered for his scandalous personal life, which ultimately led to his imprisonment. Fast Facts: Oscar Wilde Full Name:  Oscar Fingal OFlahertie Wills WildeOccupation: Playwright, novelist, and poetBorn: October 16, 1854 in Dublin, IrelandDied: November 30, 1900 in Paris, FranceNotable Works: The Picture of Dorian Gray, Salome, Lady Windermeres Fan, A Woman of No Importance, An Ideal Husband, The Importance of Being EarnestSpouse: Constance Lloyd (m. 1884-1898)Children: Cyril (b. 1885) and Vyvyan (b. 1886). Early Life Wilde, born in Dublin, was the second of three children. His parents were Sir William Wilde and Jane Wilde, both of whom were intellectuals (his father was a surgeon and his mother wrote). He had three illegitimate half-siblings, who Sir William acknowledged and supported, as well as two full siblings: a brother, Willie, and a sister, Isola, who died of meningitis at age nine. Wilde was educated first at home, then by one of the oldest schools in Ireland. In 1871, Wilde left home with a scholarship to study at Trinity College in Dublin, where he particularly studied the classics, literature, and philosophy. He proved himself to be an excellent student, winning competitive academic awards and coming first in his class. In 1874, he competed for and won a scholarship to study at Magdalen College, Oxford for another four years. During this time, Wilde developed several, widely differing interests. For a time, he considered converting from Anglicanism to Catholicism. He became involved with Freemasonry at Oxford, and later became even more involved with the aesthetic and Decadent movements. Wilde scorned â€Å"masculine† sports and deliberately created an image of himself as an aesthete. However, he was not helpless or delicate: reportedly, when a group of students attacked him, he singlehandedly fought them off. He graduated with honors in 1878. Society and Writing Debut After his graduation, Wilde moved to London and began his writing career in earnest. His poems and lyrics had been published in various magazines previously, and his first book of poetry was published in 1881, when Wilde was 27 years old. The next year, he was invited to make a lecture tour of North America talking about aestheticism; it was so successful and popular that a planned four-month tour turned into nearly a year. Although he was popular with general audiences, critics eviscerated him in the press. In 1884, he crossed paths with an old acquaintance, a wealthy young woman named Constance Lloyd. The couple married and set out to establish themselves as stylish trendsetters in society. They had two sons, Cyril in 1885 and Vyvyan in 1886, but their marriage began to fall apart after Vyvyan’s birth. It was also around this time that Wilde first met Robert Ross, a young gay man who eventually became Wilde’s first male lover. Wilde was, by most accounts, a loving and attentive father, and he worked to support his family in a variety of pursuits. He had a stint as editor of a women’s magazine, sold short fiction, and developed his essay writing as well. Literary Legend Wilde wrote his only novel – arguably his most famous work – in 1890-1891. The Picture of Dorian Gray eerily focuses on a man who bargains to have his aging taken on by a portrait so that he himself can stay young and beautiful forever. At the time, critics heaped disdain on the novel for its portrayal of hedonism and fairly blatant homosexual overtones. However, it’s endured as a classic of the English language. Over the next few years, Wilde turned his attentions to playwriting. His first play was a French-language tragedy Salome, but he soon shifted to English comedies of manners. Lady Windermeres Fan, A Woman of No Importance, and An Ideal Husband appealed to society while also subtly critiquing it. These Victorian comedies often revolved around farcical plots that nonetheless found ways to critique society, which made them immensely popular with audiences but riled up more conservative or straitlaced critics. Wilde’s final play would prove to be his masterpiece. Debuting onstage in 1895, The Importance of Being Earnest broke away from Wilde’s â€Å"stock† plots and characters to create a drawing room comedy that was, nonetheless, the epitome of Wilde’s witty, socially-sharp style. It became his most popular play, as well as his most praised one. Scandal and Trial Wilde’s life began to unravel when he became romantically involved with Lord Alfred Douglas, who introduced Wilde to some of the seedier side of gay London society (and who coined the phrase â€Å"the love that dare not speak its name†). Lord Alfred’s estranged father, the Marquess of Queensbury, was livid, and an enmity between Wilde and the marquess sprung up. The feud reached a boiling point when Queensbury left a calling card accusing Wilde of sodomy; an infuriated Wilde decided to sue for libel. The plan backfired, since Queensbury’s legal team mounted a defense based on the argument that it could not be libel if it was the truth. Details of Wilde’s liaisons with men came out, as did some blackmail material, and even the moral content of Wilde’s writing came under criticism. Wilde was forced to drop the case, and he himself was arrested and tried for gross indecency (the formal umbrella charge for homosexual behavior). Douglas continued to visit him and had even tried to get him to flee the country when the warrant was first issued. Wilde pled not guilty and spoke eloquently on the stand, but he did warn Douglas to leave for Paris before the trial ended, just in case. Ultimately, Wilde was convicted and sentenced to two years’ hard labor, the maximum allowed under the law, which the judge decried as still not sufficient. While in prison, the hard labor took a toll on Wilde’s already-precarious health. He suffered an ear injury in a fall that later contributed to his death. During his stay, he was eventually allowed writing materials, and he wrote a lengthy letter to Douglas that he could not send, but that laid out a reflection on his own life, their relationship, and his spiritual evolution during his imprisonment. In 1897, he was released from prison and immediately sailed to France. Final Years and Legacy Wilde took the name â€Å"Sebastian Melmoth† while in exile and spent his final years digging into spirituality and railing for prison reform. He spent some time with Ross, his longtime friend and first lover, as well as Douglas. After losing the will to write and encountering many unfriendly former friends, Wilde’s health took a steep decline. Oscar Wilde died of meningitis in 1900. He was conditionally baptized into the Catholic Church, at his wish, just before his death. At his side to the end was Reggie Turner, who had remained a loyal friend, and Ross, who became his literary executor and the primary keeper of his legacy. Wilde is buried in Paris, where his tomb has become a major attraction for tourists and literary pilgrims. A small compartment in the tomb also houses Ross’s ashes. In 2017, Wilde was one of the men formally given posthumous pardons for convictions of previously-criminal homosexuality under the â€Å"Alan Turing law.† Wilde has become an icon, much like he was in his time, for his style and unique sense of self. His literary works have also become some of the most important in the canon. Sources Ellmann, Richard. Oscar Wilde. Vintage Books, 1988.Pearson, Hesketh. The Life of Oscar Wilde. Penguin Books (reprint), 1985Sturgis, Matthew. Oscar: A Life. London: Hodder Stoughton, 2018.

Monday, November 4, 2019

To what extent do leaders shape their movements, and to what extent Essay

To what extent do leaders shape their movements, and to what extent are they shaped by them Illustrate your answer with reference to leaders from more than one - Essay Example This particular essay will be conducted in a manner such that briefly some theories of the leadership and the behaviors of the leaders are discussed. The conclusions related to the theories will be supported by one of the leader who is selected for the discussion here. The leader is selected on the basis of the major revolutionary changes that have been made because of his and his movements’ contributions. Kirk (2005) argues that according to the 1trait theory which is designed in the context of the leadership, the leaders have the personalities as well as the behavioral tendencies that make the leaders the way they are. The theory says that there will be certain traits and characteristics in the person that will make him behave in the leading manner. In addition to this the contingency theory suggests that in addition to the behavioral tendencies that the person has, the leadership qualities of the person are shaped more by the surrounding situation that the person belongs to. Many of the historical authors have written the leadership qualities what seemed appropriate to them. In the case of Sanskrit, there are ten main qualities in the leader that have been defined. According to the aristocratic thinkers, the leadership quality of the person comes from the familial traits or the genes of the person. If the leadership runs in the family than the person would be possessing the leadership qualities. But this in my point of view still depends on the situation that the person is in. Sunnemark (2004) discusses that in these historical times, we have seen many leaders who may be related to the political movements which have worked for the changes in the social society as well. 2Therefore the leaders are always important to the social movements that ever occurred in the history. The scholars have tried hard to learn as to what

Friday, November 1, 2019

How are learning and teaching related Then, Elaborate on the business Essay

How are learning and teaching related Then, Elaborate on the business roles in the learning organization - Essay Example In general, learning can be acquired with the use of either formal or informal intervention. A good example of formal learning intervention includes the act of enrolling in formal educational courses, the provision of training and development programs, requiring employees to participate in formal business meetings, or attending conference being led by external professionals (Bull et al., 2008). On top of using self-reflection techniques and self-analysis methods, informal learning is possible when there is a two-way communication among employees, between the top management and the low ranking employees, and vice versa including situations wherein employees are able to communicate directly with the customers (Cheetham & Chivers, 2001). In order to minimize barriers to teaching and learning, business managers should establish a strong organizational culture that acknowledges not only the importance of organizational learning but also the use of effective leadership style and improvemen ts in communication skills. In line with this, the use of leadership style enables the business managers to effectively convince and persuade employees to participate in the promotion of organizational learning. References Bull, G., Thompson, A., Searson, M., Garofalo, J., Park, J., Young, C., et al. (2008).

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

International Monetary Fund and World Bank Essay

International Monetary Fund and World Bank - Essay Example "Due to their considerable financial resources, technical assets, and global presence, the IFIs1 (i.e. the World Bank and the IMF, S.K.) have the capacity to assist in maintaining or recreating an environment of peace and stability."2 The World Bank's focus is on the provision of long-term loans to support development projects and programs. The IMF, on the other hand, concentrates on providing loans to stabilize countries facing short-term financial crises. The World Bank and IMF are directed by the governments of the world's richest countries. Combined, the "Group of 7"3 holds more than 40% of the votes on the Boards of Directors of these institutions and the U.S. alone accounts for almost 20% of the votes. It was the U.S. policy during the Reagan Administration in the early 1980s, to expand the role of the World Bank and IMF to manage developing economies4. The statutory purposes of the IMF are, first, utilizing a permanent institution for the purpose of ensuring international monetary cooperation which also makes available expertise to deal with relevant problems. Second, bringing about an increase in the balanced growth of international trade, which will result in significantly reduced levels of unemployment. Third, ensuring that the stability, orderly arrangements and avoidance of competitive depreciation in respect of exchanges is maintained. Fourth, elimination of restrictions which hinder world trade by helping in the establishment, in respect of current transactions, between members. Fifth, reducing the duration and lessening the amount of disparity in the international balances of payments of members5. Their fundamental difference is that the World Bank is primarily a developmental institution whereas the IMF is a cooperative institution that seeks to maintain an orderly system of payments and receipts between nations. Each has a different purpose, a distinct structure, receives its funding from different sources, assists different categories of members and strives to achieve its distinct goals through methods specific to itself. The primary aim of the World Bank was the financing of economic development and accordingly, the Bank's first loans, during the late 1940s, were disbursed in order to finance the reconstruction of the war-ravaged economies of Western Europe. When these nations recovered some measure of economic self-sufficiency, the Bank turned its attention to assisting the developing countries, to which it has given more than $330 billion as loans. The World Bank's main aim is to promote economic and social progress in developing countries, by bringing about an increase in their productivity in order to enable their citizens to have a better quality of life6. The IMF is involved in key policy negotiations with regard to the exchange rate and the budget deficit. The monitoring of country's economic performance by the IMF provides the basis of so-called IMF surveillance activities over members' economic policies. The World Bank, on the other hand, is far more involved in the actual reform process through its country-level representative office and its numerous technical missions. Moreover, the World Bank is also present in most of the line ministries; the reforms in health, education, industry, agriculture, transportation, the environment, and so on are under