Saturday, December 28, 2019

10 Interesting Facts About Radioactive Tritium

Tritium is the radioactive isotope of the element hydrogen. It has many useful applications. Here are some interesting facts about tritium: Tritium is also known as hydrogen-3 and has an element symbol T or 3H.  The nucleus of a tritium atom is called a triton  and consists of three particles: one proton and two neutrons. The word tritium comes from  Greek the word tritos, which means third. The other two isotopes of hydrogen are protium (most common form) and deuterium.Tritium has an atomic number of 1, like other hydrogen isotopes, but it has a mass of about 3 (3.016).Tritium decays via beta particle emission, with a half-life of 12.3 years. The beta decay releases 18 keV of energy, where tritium decays into helium-3 and a beta particle. As the neutron changes into a proton, the hydrogen changes into helium. This is an example of the natural transmutation of one element into another.Ernest Rutherford was the first person to produce tritium. Rutherford,  Mark Oliphant, and Paul Harteck prepared tritium from deuterium in 1934 but were unable to isolate it.  Luis Alvarez and Robert Cornog realized tritium was ra dioactive and successfully isolated the element.Trace amounts of tritium occur naturally on Earth when cosmic rays interact with the atmosphere. Most tritium that is available is made via neutron activation of lithium-6 in a nuclear reactor. Tritium is also produced by nuclear fission of uranium-235, uranium-233, and polonium-239. In the United States, tritium is produced at a nuclear facility in Savannah, Georgia. At the time of a report issued in 1996, only 225 kilograms of tritium had been produced in the United States.Tritium can exist as an odorless and colorless gas, like ordinary hydrogen, but the element is mainly found in liquid form as part of tritiated water or T2O, a form of heavy water.A tritium atom has the same 1 net electrical charge as any other hydrogen atom, but tritium behaves differently from the other isotopes in chemical reactions because the neutrons produce a stronger attractive nuclear force when another atom is brought close. Consequently, tritium is bette r able to fuse with lighter atoms to form heavier ones.External exposure to tritium gas or tritiated water is not very dangerous because tritium emits such a low energy beta particle that the radiation cannot penetrate the skin. However, tritium does pose some health risks if it is ingested, inhaled, or enters the body through an open wound or injection. The biological half-life ranges from around 7 to 14 days, so bioaccumulation of tritium is not a significant concern. Because beta particles are a form of ionizing radiation, the expected health effect from internal exposure to tritium would be an elevated risk of developing cancer.Tritium has many uses, including self-powered lighting, as a component in nuclear weapons, as a radioactive label in chemistry lab work, as a tracer for biological and environmental studies, and for controlled nuclear fusion.High levels of tritium were released into the environment from nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s and 1960s. Prior to the tests, i t is estimated only 3 to 4 kilograms of tritium was present on the Earths surface. After testing, the levels rose 200-300%. Much of this tritium combined with oxygen to form tritiated water. One interesting consequence is that the tritiated water could be traced and used as a tool to monitor the hydrologic cycle and to map ocean currents. Sources Jenkins, William J. et al, 1996: Transient Tracers Track Ocean Climate Signals Oceanus, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Zerriffi, Hisham (January 1996). Tritium: The environmental, health, budgetary, and strategic effects of the Department of Energys decision to produce tritium. Institute for Energy and Environmental Research.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Discrimination and the Family - 928 Words

How Discrimination/Prejudice Affects Families Discrimination and prejudice can have a generational impact on families and family members. I believe that a person can experience discrimination and prejudice in many different ways during their lifetime and that these experiences can produce this generational affect – how they see themselves or their family being treated, comments or behaviors exhibited by their family and their family’s culture towards themselves and others, how the media models any particular ethnic group, religion, political party, etc. In her article, â€Å"Getting Past Ideology For Effective Teaching,† Liz Grauerholz lists cultural ideologies that students bring into a classroom. She states, â€Å"they almost certainly have†¦show more content†¦How This Could Be Addressed on an Individual, Family, and/or Community Level Despite the political stance of law enforcement agencies that racial profiling is not allowed or in any way encou raged, R. Richard Banks in his article â€Å"Beyond Profiling: Race, Policing and the Drug War† writes â€Å"Professor William Stuntz has described racial profiling as ‘a fact of life that the legal system probably cannot change.’† (Banks, 2002) I agree with Professor Stuntz’s belief that racial profiling is not something that will be changed, especially by our legal system. At the same time, I believe that there could be mandatory education and awareness training for law enforcement officers and their families regarding the risks associated with bringing the job home. If spouses and children have the opportunity to understand why their spouse/parent who is in law enforcement has the perspective that they do, divorce rates and family disagreements could be decreased. At the same time, if an officer is made aware of the impact that these belief systems are having on the people in his/her life and be educated on potential coping mechanisms and way s to leave the job out of the home, the same outcome may be achieved of lower divorce rates and a healthier family relationship and interaction. Works CitedShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Discrimination Against Interracial Families746 Words   |  3 Pagesagainst interracial families. Still, in 2017, interracial families face scorn from our traditions society. These families face hatred and prejudice for the blending of cultures and are subjected to vocal hatred from members of the families and communities. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Contemporary Computing Act

Question: Describe the scales on which the actants in your stories act in the assemblage. Discuss how these actions can enhance management functionsOutline what issues/questions these actions raise. To achieve this, compare and contrast the viewpoints of a range of theorists and critics exploredthroughout the module.Conclude by summarising how your answers relate to the statement Contemporary computing can be seen as an assemblage. Answer: Introduction The study is having in depth discussion about the two main live stories related to information technology assemblage. The report is also having explanation of actor network theory in context to live stories. As mentioned by De et al. (2013), the two live stories are mainly based on information technology and the innovation included in it. The study is also having focus on actants of live stories and their effectiveness on society and other factors. Apart from this, the comparison and contrast is also done of both stories actant. With the help of this, the impact of them on each other is evaluated. In perspective to this Pain (2013) stated, actor network theory helps in analyzing the affects the live stories actant. The actor network theory is used in this study to explain the two different actant and their impact on operation of information technology. Moreover, the information technology is the fastest growing sector in current time (Preece, 2015). The main factor on which informati on technology depends is innovation and development in application of information technology. Evaluation of two different live stories with the help of Actor network theory In context to this El (2013) stated, the two live stories selected for this study are; first story is object recognition for robots. And second story is first new computer program which has recognized sketches more accurately than human being. Apart from this, the actant in first live story is robots and object. On the other hand, in second story the actant is sketches and computer programs. As mentioned by Holgate (2014), with the help of actor network theory the network in both stories are relation between two actants. That is, the operation relation or relations in context tro technology among actant are network. In addition to this Cong (2015) commented, the operation and dependency of all actant on networks are different. The networks developed by all actants are different. Along with this, the developments of actant of both live stories are done with the help of technology and others (Cong., 2015). The analysis of actant is done taking into consideration all factors of actor ne twork theory. Analysis of both the live stories Object recognition for robots As stated by Cheng et al. (2015), the recognition of object by robots are done more accurately and faster that any human being. The main factor on which robotics recognition is done is algorithm. The visual power and identification power of robots are more powerful than human beings. On the other hand, the object recognition by robots is based on determining identity and location of object (Preece et al., 2015). The result of identification of object is represented in the form of image or pattern. Apart from this, the robot is developed with the help of technology and algorithm. The algorithm helps in identification, scanning and recognition process of object. In context to this Preece et al. (2015) commented, with the technology innovation and improvement, robot related system are also changing. The recognition of object by robots helps in identification of object in easy manner. As stated by Monk (2014), object recognition or pattern recognition is based on artificial intelligence. Figure1: Image of object recognition by robots In relation to this Aggarwal (2013) commented, the robots can also identify the fingerprints, faces, sign and other image. The object identification will be done with the help of a database and algorithm provided to robots. The figure 1 represents the images of object recognized by robot. For example, the robot entered in conference hall and was said to search table full having soda can, cap, coffee mug and other item (Preece, 2015). Thus after recognition of object the image of object which was can be obtained from robot database is as shown in figure 1. Figure 2: Image pattern of objects recognized by robots First new computer program which recognizes sketches more accurately than human being As stated by Tang et al. (2013), the researchers developed first computer which can recognizes sketches more accurately than any human being. Apart from this, the sketches used for this study was human made. In relation to this Lai et al. (2013) commented, the computer program is called as sketch a net, as it helps in recognizing the sketches more easily and accurately. With the help of this computer program the handmade sketches are recognized easily. On the other hand, the identification of sketches is limited to program database. That is, the sketch a net computer program can identify sketches whose images or pattern are stored in its database. As stated by Sermanet et al. (2013), some of the major images identified by sketch a net computer program are flying birds, pigeon, standing birds, seagull and others. The significant of sketch increased with the increase of touch screen. That is, if user is drawing sketches with the help of touch screen devices, the new computer program ca n identify it easily. The main use of this new computer program is done by police and other defense forces (Pain, 2013). As with the help of sketch a net program they can easily get sketch of criminal and it will also help them to improve their database record. Apart from this with the help of this computer program the social security will also be increased. In context to this Holgate (2014) commented, the defense officers by viewing the CCTV database or any eye evidence can get sketch. Later on the matching of sketch or recognizing of sketch can be done with this new computer program, which is sketch a net program. Figure 3: Sample of sketches recognized by new computer program that is, sketch a net program The figure 3 represents the sample of handmade sketches of birds which was recognized by new computer program sketch a net program. As stated by Monk (2014), sketch a net program is a neural network program. Along with this, it is also designed for analyzing and following the human being brain. This computer program is new and unique as it can easily identify the handmade sketches easily in comparison of human being. Problem identified in both the live stories The live stories are based on technology and innovation so the chance of problem is also high. That is, there are several problems related to both the live stories. As mentioned by Cheng et al. (2015), first live story is having problem like, algorithm coordination with the robot operation and database. Along with this, the robots have reduced the human being skills and knowledge level of human beings. In current time, everyone is tried to implement new technologies so organization in big scales are try to implement new robots or technologies (Pain, 2013). Apart from this, human beings are also reducing their physical work, that is, the dependency on internet and robot related technology is increased. In case of second live story, the problems are as, the human being skills and knowledge level is also decreased. On the other hand, as commented by Monk (2014), in current time people thinks that internet can do every work, so why to do it. The main reason of increase in technical dependency is due to this. Moreover, the employment rate of human being is also reduced due to high level dependency on internet and technology. The main side effects of new technology in current time are that; human work is reduced and their intelligence level is also reduced (Cheng et al., 2015). On the other hand, the recognition of object and sketches is done accurately, but efficiency of human are reduced. As stated by De (2013), in current time human beings are increasing their dependency on robots and information technology. On the other hand, the new computer programming helps in identifying the location of sketches and objects present nearby to it. Moreover, the main problem regarding this live sto ry is it increases the human dependency on technology and new innovative robots. Conclusion The two live stories are object recognition for robots and new computer program which can identify sketches more accurately and easily then human being. Both the live stories are based on technology and innovation. On the other hand, with the change in technology the assemblage is also changing. The organizations in current time are changing their technology to increase the competitive advantage. The first live story is based on object recognition for robot, that is, the robot recognizes the object easily. According to ANT theory the actant helps in completion of process and it also helps in developing network. With the help of sensors and other technology robot can recognize object nearby to him. In second live story, the new computer program is discussed, which is expert in recognizing the hand- made sketches. The analysis of both live stories are done taking into consideration actor network theory. On the other hand, the actant in first story is robot and in second story is new co mputer program as well as sketches. References De Montis, A., Pinna, A., Barra, M. and Vranken, E., 2013. Analysis of poultry eating and drinking behavior by software eYeNamic.J Agricult Engineer, 44(2s). Pain, E., 2013. Networking Your Way to a Job.Science. El-Mahdy, A., 2013. Recursive Detection of M-ary Signals over Fast Varying Mobile Communication Channel.TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control), 11(1). Holgate, S., 2014. Creating Your Own Job: From Engineer to Entrepreneur.Science. Cong Vinh, P., 2015. Algebraically Autonomic Computing.Mobile Networks and Applications. Cheng, M., Mitra, N. J., Huang, X., Torr, P. H., and Hu, S. (2015). Global contrast based salient region detection. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on, 37(3), 569-582. Preece, J., Sharp, H., and Rogers, Y. (2015). Interaction Design-beyond human-computer interaction. John Wiley and Sons. Monk, A. F. (2014). Fundamentals of human-computer interaction. Academic Press. Tang, S., Wang, X., Lv, X., Han, T. X., Keller, J., He, Z. and Lao, S. (2013). Histogram of oriented normal vectors for object recognition with a depth sensor. In Computer VisionACCV 2012 (pp. 525-538). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Aggarwal, J. K. (2013). Multisensor fusion for computer vision (Vol. 99). Springer Science and Business Media. Lai, K., Bo, L., Ren, X., and Fox, D. (2013). RGB-D object recognition: Features, algorithms, and a large scale benchmark. In Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision (pp. 167-192). Springer London. Sermanet, P., Eigen, D., Zhang, X., Mathieu, M., Fergus, R., and LeCun, Y. (2013). Overfeat: Integrated recognition, localization and detection using convolutional networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.6229.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Ambition free essay sample

An ambition is an eager, and sometimes an excessive, desire for creation, honor, ascendancy, power, or the attainment of something. Every person is said to have his or her anomalous ambition. One might have dream to be rich, or having a villa. On the other side, one wants to become famous, a scientist or a doctor. Similarly, I have too my own ambition. I don’t want to become wealthy; I don’t want to get any fame. My aim of life is very simple and it is to serve poor people who are not getting enough to survive in this world with all of my heart. It’s said to be that person can be judged from what he wants to get in his life; and how he gets it; obviously it’s his ambition of life. There is one colloquia saying about ambition in life is that a person without any ambition in life is like a ship without a rudder who has no destination. I am really supporting this quote. We are never likely told to cross a bridge until and unless we come to a bridge, but this is the world in which ambition help us cross that bridge faster than other people. Some people think ambition and dreams is equal. But there is a thin wall between ambition and dreams. Ambition generally defined as somebody having a desire, a much stronger feeling than a dream. A dream is something that we can normally get without trying too much toward to achieve it. Ambition is the forces that keep us working and makes us go forward in our life. Its the super energy which energized me when I was facing a problem in the path of my goal. There is only one way to achieve any aim: simply moving forward with continuous improvement and passionate hard working and, obviously, with honesty nd dedication to achieve it. Having ambition is Just not enough. One must have to do continuous effort to achieve it. Maybe there is some obstacle, but it can be overcome only by self-esteem and a strong desire to achieve that ambition. If someone is only day dreaming and only planning instead of acting on that, its likely to get nothing but being at same place when where a person was once. Since I came to the U. S. from India at adolescence, Im enjoying helping others no matter who he/ she is. I have my opinion that if one will help others to achieve his life goal, he or she ill ultimately achieve their goal. I would like to state my personal example here. Once upon a time when I was in India, I had aimed to establish an Non-Government organization (NGO) that works to help slum childrens education as well as to oppose child labor who works at factories and Tea stalls. I started that by introducing my concept with my friend and family. And it was really appreciated by all of them as well as I got lots of suggestion from them. Then we planned to organize one event in which we had decided to go to a slum and poor people, we asked them their roblems, what is the reason for not sending their child to school and we tried to understand them at all levels. And by considering that all aspects we decided to admit some of the children in school with of our financial responsibility and provide them with basic necessities. We also introduced one scheme in which we had awarded the most three talented Children. And provided them scholarship for rest of his their higher education. We taced many problems during the starting phase as we had to work with illiterate people, complete formalities for their admission and in any surprising areas for which we didnt think to be happen. After all, we had overcome those entire difficulties with high spirits, moving forwarding by keeping vision in front of eye and definitely with the help of all NGO members. Now day, its working with full energy. There are many students getting benefit from this NGO and accomplishing their ambition which is one of my ambitions. It gives us more inspiration when students come to us and share their experiences of life. They are part of our NGO now and also working actively. One of best outside example I can tate is about Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi: Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well (#2988 from Laura Moncurs Motivational Quotations). He had vision of free India. He was a bachelor of low graduate. He thought serve to country instead of become wealthy. Mahatma was smart enough to earn much more money by his qualification but he chose country over money. This is the most important thing which inspires to me toward achieving my ambition. He attained his goal by facing ots of difficulties in his way. Some situations were very typical to handle but he didnt compromise with situation. Instead of this, he understood that condition very well and faced that with great excellence, passion, self-confidence and proper planning. In William Shakespeares Macbeth, one can see how ambition can escort one to catastrophic effects if our destination is reached by swindling. Generally, focusing on a wrong aim seems to cause far too much guaranteed damage to relationships and to themselves. Macbeths ambition is to become king. In reality, he should have won this honor with honesty . But Instead of getting all the rights with respect; he has stolen it by cheating others. It may not accepted by any person and so it happened with Macbeth. He didnt get satisfaction but it may cause persecution, leading to more of the same. Once one is trapped into this unstoppable chain, the probability of getting out is with a lot of struggle. Macbeth: miet I do fear thy nature. It is too full the milk of human kindness. Thou wouldst be great, Art not without ambition, but The illness should attend it. (l. v. 16-20). Ambition is a strong desire to do or achieve something. Desire for success, wealth, fame. There is no any obstacle which can stop us from achieving what we have aimed to get in life. Our only obstacle is ourselves, and the extent of our ability to differentiate between a rewarding and devastating aim. If one can see it, one can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it. Dont steal an idea, but use your own, and no matter what road you take, you will end up where you wanted to be. Yes I can be! I can achieve any ambition in my life no matter how hard the situation will be!